EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: Classroom language Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: AJ2-16 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky cizích jazyků na středních školách. Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů:AJ2 Slovní zásoba v tématech pro úroveň A2 – B1 Autor: Mgr. Marie Zajíčková Datum vytvoření: Garant (kontrola):Mgr. Jaroslava Tůmová Ročník: Nižší gymnázium (sekunda - kvarta) Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Téma: Slovní zásoba Metodika/anotace:Powerpointová prezentace. Nejčastější slovesa používaná v hodinách anglického jazyka – osvojení a procvičování. Časový rozvrh:45 minut Zdroje: ( Možné uvést v závěru) viz. poslední slide Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a základní škola, s.r.o.
Classroom language A2
Verbs to practise: do the exercise listencorrectpractise repeathand in make a mistake write down look uprevisetranslaterub out
do the exercise A set of questions in a book that tests your knowledge or practises a skill. Do exercise one for homework.Do the grammar exercises.
listen Listen! What‘s that noise? Can you hear it? I listened carefully to her story. Are you listening to me? She likes listening to music.
practise To do an activity or train regularly so that you can improve your skill. I enjoyed being able to practise speaking English with the other students. You should practise the piano.You need to practise every day.
correct Correct me, if I‘m wrong. Read through your work and correct any mistakes that you find. I spent all evening correcting essays.
repeat To say or write something again or more than once. Listen and repeat each sentence after me. Can you repeat what I‘ve just said word for word? I‘m sorry – could you repeat that?
hand in To give something to a person in authority, especially a piece of work. You must hand in your projects by the end of next week. I handed the homework in to our teacher.Hand it in in time.
translate He translated the word into English. Can you translate the sentence into Czech? ‚Suisse‘ had been wrongly translated as ‚Sweden‘.
make a mistake It‘s easy to make a mistake. Don‘t worry, we all make mistakes. I made a serious mistake in the test.
write down To write something on paper, especially in order to remember or record it. Write down the address before you forget it. Write it down in your notebook.
revise To prepare for an exam by looking again at work that you have done. I spent the weekend revising for my exam.I can‘t come out tonight. I have to revise.I‘m revising Geography today.
look up To look for information in a dictionary or reference book, or by using a computer. Can you look up the opening times on the website? I looked it up in the dictionary.
rub out To remove the marks made by a pencil, etc., using a rubber/eraser. Rub it out and do it again.I had to rub out a mistake.
Use the correct form of the expressions to complete the sentences:
1. I‘m only going to play the recording once so _____________. do the exercises correctpractise listen carefully repeathand in
1. I‘m only going to play the tape once so listen carefully. do the exercises correctpractise listen carefully repeathand in
2. OK everybody, ______ after me: „I think I‘ll call back later.“ do the exercises correctpractise listen carefully repeathand in
2. OK everybody, repeat after me: „I think I‘ll call back later.“ do the exercises correctpractise listen carefully repeathand in
3. Remember to ________ some of what you‘ve learned today outside the classsroom. do the exercises correctpractise listen carefully repeathand in
3. Remember to practise some of what you‘ve learned today outside the classsroom. do the exercises correctpractise listen carefully repeathand in
4. I want you to _________________ on page 78 for homework and don‘t forget you need to ________ your essays on Friday. do the exercises correctpractise listen carefully repeathand in
4. I want you to do the exercises on page 78 for homework and don‘t forget you need to hand in your essays on Friday. do the exercises correctpractise listen carefully repeathand in
5. I‘m not going to ______ every mistake you make. That would not be helpful. do the exercises correctpractise listen carefully repeathand in
5. I‘m not going to correct every mistake you make. That would not be helpful. do the exercises correctpractise listen carefully repeathand in
6. If you‘re not sure what something means, __________ in your dictionary. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
6. If you‘re not sure what something means, look it up in your dictionary. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
7. Whenever you hear a new word that you think is important, _____________ in your notebook. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
7. Whenever you hear a new word that you think is important, write it down in your notebook. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
8. Don‘t worry about _______________. The important thing is to try to communicate. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
8. Don‘t worry about making mistakes. The important thing is to try to communicate. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
9. Write the answers in pencil. Then if you get one wrong, you can __________ and do it again. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
9. Write the answers in pencil. Then if you get one wrong, you can rub it out and do it again. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
10. Remember there‘s a test tomorrow. So, spend a bit of time ________ this evening. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
10. Remember there‘s a test tomorrow. So, spend a bit of time revising this evening. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
11. Can you help me _________ this sentence into Czech? I don‘t understand it. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
11. Can you help me translate this sentence into Czech? I don‘t understand it. make mistakes write it down reviserub it outlook it uptranslate
Discuss these situations using the expressions above
listen repeat hand in look up
revise practise make a mistake do the exercises write down
do the exercisescorrecttranslate make a mistakelook up rub out
Odkazy k obrázkům Slide 40: do/schools-project/see-what-teachers-and- students-sayhttp:// do/schools-project/see-what-teachers-and- students-say Slide 41: 3/Listening-to-What-Teachers-Have-to-Say 3/Listening-to-What-Teachers-Have-to-Say Slide 42: Five-writers-reveal-what-theyd-like-to-say-to- their-old-teachers-following-the-Michael-Gove- remark.html Five-writers-reveal-what-theyd-like-to-say-to- their-old-teachers-following-the-Michael-Gove- remark.html
Použité materiály Gough, Chris (2002). English Vocabulary Organiser. Heinle Cengage Learning. Oxford Advanced Learner‘s Dictionary