Review L5-L8 Jennifer Kuo. Today’s Objectives Introduce your Chinese name : – 我的 X 是 XY 的 X 。 – Ex. 你好,我姓王,叫王朋。王是国王的王,朋是朋友 的朋。 Review L5-L8 HW (will be.


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Presentation transcript:

Review L5-L8 Jennifer Kuo

Today’s Objectives Introduce your Chinese name : – 我的 X 是 XY 的 X 。 – Ex. 你好,我姓王,叫王朋。王是国王的王,朋是朋友 的朋。 Review L5-L8 HW (will be posted under Teacher Page): -Translate L9 Dialogue 1 text into English on loose-leaf. Double spaced. -Five characters a day ( 多,天,好,字,封 ) on index card -Prepare for next class: -Quiz: L9 Shopping, Dialogue 1, Vocab (p ) (10 Chinese words to English) -Bring in Chinese currency to Show & Tell.

说一说 A: Are you a teacher? B: I am not a teacher. I am a student. A: I am also a student. I am a student at NYU. B: Ah! We are all students at NYU. A: Are you a New Yorker? B: I am not a New Yorker. I am a Californian. How about you? A: I am not American. I am Chinese. From Beijing. B: Nice to meet you. A: I am also very pleased to meet you.

试一试 A: Next Wednesday is my birthday. B: Is that right? What date is next Wednesday? A: __________ B: How old are you this year? A: __________ B: I’ll treat you to a meal on next Wednesday. How’s that? A: I have class on Wednesday. B: Then, Thursday night, how does it sound? A: That would be great! Thank you very much!

B: Do you like Chinese food or American food? A: Sorry, I like none of them. B: I like French food very much. How’s French food sound? A: I like French food, too, but it is too expensive. B: It is okay. We’ll have French food. A: Thursday at what time? B: How about 7:30? A: All right, see you on Thursday evening. B: see you.

Arrange Activities with Someone A: 要不要一起去 VO? (play ball, watch movie, eat dinner, buy books…) B: (when?) 什么时候? A: ____________________, is it okay? B: (I’m busy at that time, I have class, I have things occupied…) A: Then, (another date/time). How’s that? B: Sorry, (that time) I have thing to do, too. A: Then, I’ll ask WangPeng (whether he wants to go or not). B: Really? Will WangPeng go? A: He said he will be free (at that time). Why do you ask? B: Because I know him, and I like him very much. How about I go, too. A: But you said you will be busy. B: Yah…How about we go on (different date/time)? A: Okay, see you then.

试一试 A: What would you like to drink? B: I’d like to have __________. A: (Apologize that you don’t have the beverage and offer an alternative, say: I have A and B. Would you prefer A or B?) B: (accept either one, or say “both are fine”, or ask for something else.)

试一试 (to a friend’s house) greet to each other on the door. The host invites the guests into the house politely. The host offers seats and offers drinks. The guests ask drinks respectively. The host introduces his/her roommate to the guests, and everyone start to chat about school, work, hobbies, family, nationality, and even birthday… etc. Make a compliment at some point on something.

说说看 A: Do you have time right now? B: I must to go to a meeting right now ( 得 ), and have no time to chat with you. A: How about tonight? Are you free tonight? B: My classmate from my Chinese class and I are going to a movie tonight. A: When are you coming back? B: If I come back before 9pm, I’ll give you a call. Sound good? A: O.K. I’ll wait for your call.