L ANGUAGE A SSESSMENT FOR P RIMARY G RADES (LAPG) DepED Memo No. 127 s dated November 06, 2014
DATE OF ADMINISTRATION: J UNE 15, 2016 D EP E D MEMO 26 S Target Clientele: Grade 3 pupils of public schools only To be administered to Grade 4 pupils in all PUBLIC schools for this year COVERAGE: English Filipino Mother Tongue (19)
O BJECTIVES OF LAPG Establish a baseline data for the Filipino and English language learning in the K to 12 Curriculum; Evaluate the effectiveness of the Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) instruction across 19 languages; Establish Mother Tongue Language development across Philippine languages in the context of the MTB-MLE program implementation;
O BJECTIVES OF LAPG Compare the performance of Grade 3 pupils on English and Filipino essential skills; and Correlate language development across Early Grades Reading Assessment (EGRA), Early Grades Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) and language literacy assessment in the primary grades
19 M OTHER T ONGUES Kinaray-a Sinugbuanong Binisaya Waray Chavacano Maguindanaon Meranaw Surigaonon Tausug Yakan Iloko Kapampangan Pangasinan Ivatan Ibanag Sambal (Botolan) Tagalog Bikol (Naga) Akeanon Hiligaynon
E SSENTIAL S KILLS 1. Book and Print Knowledge 2. Alphabet Knowledge 3. Vocabulary 4. Phonics and Word Reading 5. Spelling 6. Grammar 7. Reading Comprehension 8. Study Skills
E SSENTIAL S KILLS 9. Listening Comprehension 10. Computations (Math) 11. Attitude Towards Reading* 12. Phonological Awareness* 13. Fluency* 14. Oral Language* 15. Handwriting* 16. Composing*
E ND OF P RESENTATION Thanks for Listening Attentively. NETRC-Admin ICM