Pi Theta Epsilon November Meeting
Agenda PHPSG lunch Student Conclave STAR award Winter social T-shirts Journal Club
PHPSG Lunch Fundraiser Thursday, 11/21, 12-1 pm, room? Thank you to everyone who already signed up to help!!! We still need: 2 people to cook pasta 2 people to cook red sauce (I already bought the sauce, all you have to do is warm it up and bring it in) Possibly 1 more person to make 2 doz. baked goods hVEMklqVJedHNCMndBYVkyVGhjeHEzMlFnZUpGZVE &usp=drive_web#gid=0 hVEMklqVJedHNCMndBYVkyVGhjeHEzMlFnZUpGZVE &usp=drive_web#gid=0
Student Conclave Cathryn will be attending Representing our chapter at the Pi Theta Business Meeting Opportunity for you next year PTE is helping fund her trip by giving $200 to go toward travel expenses
STAR Award Objectives: To recognize and honor students who demonstrate exemplary standards in school as well as take initiative and leadership within their classroom. To promote the mission and awareness of Pi Theta Epsilon organization.
STAR Award Criteria: Honor Students Who Demonstrate Exemplary Standards in: Research Leadership within a classroom not specific to an outside organization Initiative on a Group Project Exceeding Expectations within a project or piece of work Improvement Quality Work
STAR award Individuals were nominated by faculty members Ranked on 10 questions from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree) Made comments on why they were nominated Our members all vote on one to award with a $15 gift card, certificate, and recognition
Here are our 4 nominees! Voting will be anonymous All 4 will get a certificate recognizing their nomination for the award.
Nominee #1 They have done very well in my class this semester. They consistently are very prepared, have a great attitude, assist classmates and act as a role model. They volunteer during non-required coursework. They have a great attitude and accept feedback from groups to help everyone learn. They make class a fun experience for everyone. 8/10 rankings were 5
Nominee # 2 They have taken initiative to do research beyond the requirements of the curriculum. This research was presented at St. Albert’s Day and will be next year at AOTA. Never in my career as a faculty member has a student approached me with a desire to do research that is not required. With this research they did excellent work and showed initiative. Beyond the research they have been working on starting a student organization for orthopedics. Their enthusiasm for upper extremity therapy is contagious and as a result other students are interested in that area as a career and in the potential organization. 10/10 rankings were 5
Nominee # 3 They have taken initiative in both the classroom and the community. They run a monthly Wii club for adolescents with special needs and organized a family assignment through the Wii club. They readily contact faculty with questions or concerns and model methods of collaborating with faculty for peers, who may not feel as comfortable with initiating contact when they have questions for faculty. They generate thoughtful and insightful discussion in our classroom. They utilizes their leadership skills to encourage others and do so with sincerity and professionalism 7/10 rankings were 5
Nominee #4 They made a point of submitting assignments in a timely manner and went the “extra mile” to communicate with faculty. They exhibited initiative not only in the classroom but citing texts and supplemental readings when asking questions or during discussion, but also seeks out additional learning opportunities (e.g. attended ILS course and has already signed up for a Handwriting Without Tears course in March 2014). She has also sought additional resources in order to prepare for her next fieldwork. They are an exemplar student in lecture/lab. They are attentive, respectful and ask insightful questions. 8/10 rankings were 5
Link to Vote The link is on Cuinvolve! vZelDsFUj- bJuqGZRIFiC9BMg_W6cdHDpV5MKk/view form vZelDsFUj- bJuqGZRIFiC9BMg_W6cdHDpV5MKk/view form
Winter Social Dec 5 th /6 th 5:30-9:00pm Potluck Jennie’s house More info to come!
T-shirts We have 4 designs Cost details? Vote via link