PATLIB2009: building on best practices 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman Photo taken by podoboqhttp:// This presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Commons Attribution 3.0 License Social collaborative tools Thursday, 21 st May 2009 Karen Blakeman, UK
What do social collaborative tools mean to you? 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman
Or are they about.. 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman Sharing knowledge with colleagues Keeping up to date with new developments A more efficient way of collaborating on articles, documents, policies, contracts, conference programmes, training materials A quick and easy way of providing information to your users and clients through different platforms, applications and devices Establishing new contacts Reputation monitoring – what are people saying about your organisation, its services, its products? Marketing and promoting your organisation’s and your own skills and expertise
Collaborative tools are nothing new Social collaborative tools or Web 2.0 or cloud computing, or social media Before the term Web 2.0 was invented we were already collaborating and sharing –web based forums, discussion, discussion boards for sharing information and expertise –meetings and conferences –newsletters –the telephone! The new tools have increased the options available to us and enable us to re-use and combine information in different ways 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman
They are also about… Sharing and move “stuff” around –put the latest news and headlines on your web site, blog, twitterstream –share your presentations, videos, photos and make them more “visible” –automatically re-use information and automatically transfer it from one application to another, one service to another, for example via RSS feeds web site Twitter Facebook Netvibes iGoogle Blog 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman
23 June 2016Karen Blakeman RSS feed from the Blog RSS feed of eLucidate table of contents Combine mashup feeds using Yahoo Pipes
Make your presentations more visible June 2016Karen Blakeman
Videos For example Vimeo, YouTube News, ‘how to’ videos, corporate broadcasts, presentations, advertise your services –e.g. Birmingham BestforBusiness h?v=XXs1scj9Xx4 h?v=XXs1scj9Xx4 Embed videos in your blog, Facebook page, start page, web site etc. 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman
Set up a start page pulling your services & content together 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman
CABI Alerts - Monitoring Worldwide SWINE FLU Information June 2016Karen Blakeman
Personalise your browser start page with iGoogle 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman
Blogs May not be called a blog –What’s New, Current Awareness, News & Announcements Instead of or in addition to a printed, ed or static web based newsletter –what’s new, alerts CPD – recording professional development and reflective practice ( can keep them private) Recording project development and discussions Alternative publishing medium, small web sites Blogs as sources of information Blogs as part of competitor and reputation monitoring –what are people saying about you or your competitors 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman
Tools for collaborating on documents Single locally stored copy instead of multiple copies Version control For example Google Docs (beware privacy issues), wikis –collaborators do not have to be running the same software or same version of the software –can see the “time line” or history of edits, who has edited what and when –useful in compliance situations Wikis that work in the real world Using a Wiki for an Intranet - Janssen-Cilag – increases-collaboration-and-connections-at-janssen-cilag/ increases-collaboration-and-connections-at-janssen-cilag/ Wikis for compiling subject guides – e-have-wiki/ e-have-wiki/ 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman
Twitter Instant messaging and SMS on the web but one to many Microblogging – postings are called ‘tweets’ and 140 characters long Develop and expand your personal and organisation’s networks Monitor conferences, what people are saying about companies, products, services June 2016Karen Blakeman
Yammer Corporate version of Twitter Hosted on Yammer’s site I’m Yammering away… – away/ away/ 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman
Which collaborative tools will work for you? 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman Day 1Day 2Day3 YesStart pages, tag clouds e.g. Wordle for analysing documents, Twitter, Flickr, LibraryThing, YouTube, blogs, wikis, podcasts, presentation sharing Tag clouds e.g. Wordle for analysing documents, Twitter, Flickr, Google Reader (for RSS), Google maps, presentation sharing, podcasts RSS, wikis, shared calendars, social bookmarks, presentation sharing, sharing screencasts (Camtasia), start pages, Google maps, Twitter MaybePodcasts, Twitter, YouTube, presentation sharing, social bookmarks, Facebook LibraryThing (for book clubs), Facebook (for short term campaign and discussions), wikis, YouTube Blogs, YouTube, Twitter, LibraryThing, NoSocial bookmarks, Twitter, YouTube Twitter, Second LifeLinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, tag clouds, Flickr “You cannot be serious!” Twitter, Google Docs/AppsLinkedInSecond Life, Twitter, Facebook Feedback from participants at a Web 2.0 workshop. The same one day workshop was delivered to three separate groups of people (mostly public sector and academic librarians) over a two week period
Which collaborative tools work for you? 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman Day 1Day 2Day3 YesStart pages, tag clouds e.g. Wordle for analysing documents, Twitter, Flickr, LibraryThing, YouTube, blogs, wikis, podcasts, presentation sharing Tag clouds e.g. Wordle for analysing documents, Twitter, Flickr, Google Reader (for RSS), Google maps, presentation sharing, podcasts RSS, wikis, shared calendars, social bookmarks, presentation sharing, sharing screencasts (Camtasia), start pages, Google maps, Twitter MaybePodcasts, Twitter, YouTube, presentation sharing, social bookmarks, Facebook LibraryThing (for book clubs), Facebook (for short term campaign and discussions), wikis, YouTube Blogs, YouTube, Twitter, LibraryThing, NoSocial bookmarks, Twitter, YouTube Twitter, Second LifeLinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, tag clouds, Flickr “You cannot be serious!” Twitter, Google Docs/AppsLinkedInSecond Life, Twitter, Facebook
Can anything go wrong? Of course it can! Carry out a risk assessment – what would the consequences be if… Brodkin, Jon. "Gartner: Seven cloud-computing security risks” dcomputing_security_risks_1.html dcomputing_security_risks_1.html It can be risky but …. 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman
… they work and can be exciting! 23 June 2016Karen Blakeman