Vote 24 : Safety and Security Briefing Portfolio Committee for Safety and Security
Index Indication by Committee Strategic overview Budget : Vote 24: Safety and Security MTEF allocation : Figures and Facts Prominent aspects Summary
Indication by Committee “Presentation from the SAPS about the Department’s strategic overview and Budget Vote no 24 – spending priorities 2005/06”
Strategic Direction of the SAPS The SAPS Strategic Plan comprises Key Departmental Objectives and Financial Programmes that are based on the objects of policing in terms of Section 205 of the Constitution (Act 108 of 1996): Prevent Crime Combat Crime Investigate Crime Maintain Public Order Protect and secure the inhabitants of the Republic and their property Uphold and enforce the law The SAPS Strategic Plan 2005 –2010 covers a five year period The most important Constitutional, legislative, functional and policy mandates are summarized as follows Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No 108 of 1996): South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No 68 of 1995) Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999) Public Service Regulations, 2001 Treasury Guidelines, 2002 National Crime Combating Strategy (NCCS:2000) President’s State of the Nation Address, 11 February 2005 January 2005 Lekgotla Goals and objectives of the JCPS Cluster Initiatives of the Integrated Justice System
SAPS Strategic Priorities The SAPS Strategic Priorities were developed taking, inter alia, the following into account: The JCPS Cluster Priorities The President's State of the Nation Address Government’s Programme of Action The Strategic Priorities as detailed in the Strategic Plan 2004 to 2007 are the following: Organized Crime Serious and Violent Crime Crimes against women and children Improving basic service delivery Human Resource Management Budget and Resource Management
SAPS Strategic Priorities Priority Organized crime Serious and violent crime Crimes against women and children Improving basic service delivery Human Resource management Budget and resource management Programmes Administration Visible policing Detective services Crime Intelligence Protection and Security Services Capacity / Strengthening Human Resource capacity Physical Resource capacity Training interventions Border line policing
Key Initiatives and Deliverables Programme 1 – Administration Key Initiative : Exercise control over and manage the Service in terms of structures, resources, development, administration and operations. IndicatorTarget Maintaining a minimum workforce in terms of the Human Resource Plan and the annual Resource Establishment Plan. Maintain a minimum workforce of 85% of the total workforce Training provided in terms of the Workplace Skills Plan70% training provided in terms of the Workplace Skills Plan Improve Employment Equity targets with every recruitment driveIncrease Employment Equity beyond 75/25 in terms of race and 73/27 in terms of gender % of employees using the performance management systems90% of employees utilize the performance systems correctly in terms of the instructions Reduce the number of incidences of outstanding disciplinary cases against members in relation to the number of cases outstanding from previous years. Finalize 70 % of outstanding cases % of requests where assistance was provided to members and their families All (100%) of requests for support provided % of requests where appropriate advice and support were providedAll (100%) of requests for support provided Personnel and resource expenditure vs operational expenditureMaintain expenditure at ratio of 75/25% for personnel / operational expenditure Improving basic service delivery by, inter alia, developing Service delivery Charters and setting service standards. Service delivery charters and standards at all levels.
Key Initiatives and Deliverables Programme 2 : Visible Policing Key Initiative : Discourage all crimes through providing a proactive and responsive policing service that will prevent the priority crime rate from increasing. IndicatorTarget Output : Visible Crime Deterrence Extent crime prevention initiatives (proactive partnerships)Established at the 63 high contact crime stations in 2005/06 Extent of preventive actionsUndertaken at the 63 high contact crime stations in 2005/06 Firearms recovered relative to firearms stolen80% in 2005/06 Vehicles recovered relative to vehicles stolen46% in 2005/06 Value of drugs seizedMaintain or increase in 2005/06 Extent of sector policingEstablished at the 63 high contact crime stations in 2005/06 The Priority Crime rate including Contact Crimes (per of the population)Contact Crimes to be reduced by 7% annually Property and commercial crimes to be decreased Crime dependant on Police action for detection to be increased Number of: Escapes from custody Attacks on police officials Killing of police officials Percentage of escapees relative to total number of detainees. Decrease in 2005/06
Key Initiatives and Deliverables Programme 2 : Visible Policing (cont.) IndicatorTarget Deterrence of illegal activities at ports of entry and exit Number of illegal firearms recovered at ports of entry and exitMaintain or increase in 2005/06 Number of stolen vehicles recovered at ports of entry and exit Value of drugs seized at ports of entry and exit Value of illegal goods recovered at ports of entry and exit Number of arrests at ports of entry and exit for: Illegal firearms Stolen vehicles Drugs Illegal goods Human trafficking / smuggling
Key Initiatives and Deliverables Programme 2 : Visible Policing (cont.) IndicatorTarget Neutralize dangerous and potentially dangerous situations Number of arrests and seizures for violent, public, collective actionsMaintained or increased in 2005/06 Number of operations (medium to high risk) Number of arrests for high risk operations
Key Initiatives and Deliverables Programme 3 : Detective Services Key Initiative : Contribute to the successful prosecution of crime by investigating and gathering all related evidence, thereby preventing the priority crimes detection rate from increasing Indicator Target Output : General Crime Investigations Percentage of complaints (charges) to court Priority Crime detection rate 19% in 2005/06 31% in 2005/06 Output : Specialized Crime Investigation Percentage of registered organized crime projects (threats) taken to court 20% in 2005/06 Detection rate of Commercial Crime Percentage of Commercial Crime cases to court 32% in 2005/06 21% in 2005/06 Detection rate of sexual offences and assaults against children and adults Percentage of charges (cases) to court of sexual offences and assaults against children and adults Rape – 47% Indecent Assault – 60% Rape – 38% Indecent Assault – 32% Output : Fingerprint Identification Time taken to generate reports of offenders’ previous convictions Within 30 days Output : Forensic Evidence Percentage of exhibits completed within 35 days 92% in 2005/06
Key Initiatives and Deliverables Programme 4 : Crime Intelligence IndicatorTarget Key Initiative : Contribute to the neutralization of crime by gathering, collating and analyzing intelligence information that leads to an actionable policing activity Output : Crime Intelligence Products Number and type of crime intelligence and information productsMaintain or increase in 2005/06 Output : Neutralize Threats Number of operations conducted to neutralize crime threatsMaintain or increase in 2005/06
Key Initiatives and Deliverables Programme 5 : Protection and Security Services IndicatorTarget Key Initiative : Minimize security violations by protecting foreign and local prominent people and securing strategic areas Output: Protection of the President, Deputy President and Former Presidents Security breaches as a percentage of protection provided0% in 2005/06 Output: Protection of prominent people Number of complaints lodged by prominent people0 in 2005/06 Output: Security at ports of entry Extent of implementation of pilot projects by means of the deployment of personnel Pilot projects to be implemented at the: Johannesburg Airport Durban Harbour Beit Bridge Border Post Output: Security at railways Extent of implementation of pilot projectsExtent of implementation of Cape Town Metro Rail project during 2005/06 Output: Government security regulation Levels of compliance with standards on securing Government buildings Percentage of compliance
Spending policy directions President State of the Nation address “… improve the salaries of members of the police service… & improve our capacity to fight crime…” (In this regard a number of initiatives have been indicated) – State of the Nation address, 11 February 2005 Minister of Finance again reiterated safety and security as a national priority “Improved remuneration of police and combating crime and improving safety and security” – Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, 26 October 2004 “… to continue the expansion of police numbers and improve remuneration …” – Budget Speech, 23 February 2005
Budget – 2003/04 to 2007/08 R billions R21.9 b 11.1% R24.5 b 11.6% R28.4 b 15.8% R31.0 b 9.0% R33.4 b 7.9%
MTEF allocations : Vote 24
Changes to baseline allocations over medium-term Categories2005/062006/072007/08 R million Baseline allocation26 838, , ,2 Improved remuneration940,01400,01900,0 Increased policing capacity60,0100,0500,0 Carry through of 2004/05 salary adjustments 618,6778,9888,5 Adjusted baseline28 456, , ,7
Budget – Programmes (Year-on-year increases) (1) 2004/05 ADJUSTED ALLOCATION (2) R’ /06 ALLOCATION (3) R’000 % Increase 2006/07 ESTIMATE (4) R’000 % Increase 2007/08 ESTIMATE (5) R’000 % Increase Administration , , ,9 Visible Policing , , ,7 Detective Services , , ,4 Crime Intelligence , , ,6 Protection and Security Services , , ,8 TOTAL , , ,9
Items (Year-on-year increase) SCOA Item2004/05 ADJUSTED ALLOCATION R’ /06 ALLOCATION R’000 % Increase 2006/07 ESTIMATE R’000 % Increase 2007/08 ESTIMATE R’000 % Increase CURRENT PAYMENTS Compensation of Employees Goods and Services ,3 16,6 15, ,1 10,7 2, ,4 8,9 6,3 TRANSFERS AND SUBSIDIES Provincial & Local Departmental agencies & accounts Households ,3 13,7 44,3 3, ,7 7,3 7,8 5, ,6 5,9 4,9 5,6 PAYMENTS FOR CAPITAL ASSETS Buildings & Other fixed structures Machinery and Equipment ,7 10,0 9, ,1 4,6 6, ,1 5,0 -5,0 TOTAL , , ,9
Compensation budget: 2005/06 Categories of expenditure R’000 Wage bill (Salary, pension & bonus) Improved remuneration Cost-of-living salary adjustment Pay progression Enlistments Allowances Overtime Housing subsidy Polmed and other medical schemes Incentives, scarce skills and promotions Total Establishment target =
Training provision MTEF (“Training for all functions”) Revised estimate Medium-term expenditure estimates 2004/05 R’ /06 R’ /07 R’ /08 R’000 Programme 1 Administration
Vehicles Prioritized spending environment with the main aim of modernization of the vehicle fleet of the department Amounts allocated will provide for the annual replacement of boarded vehicles and for the expansion of the fleet MTEF estimates for this purpose: 2004/05R814 million 2005/06R841 million 2006/07R887 million 2007/08R903 million
Capital Works
IJS-related expenditure Vote SAPS – Interdepartmental of nature IJS modernization Expenditure trends and estimates: 2004/05R133 million 2005/06R178 million 2005/06R178 million 2006/07R213,7 million 2006/07R213,7 million 2007/08R224,3 million 2007/08R224,3 million Note: Four main programmes i.e programme management, enterprise architecture, ICT infrastructure and integrated case management
Information technology IT maintenance and support Dataline maintenance SITA maintenance ISM support services Operating activities IT development projects Applications development End-user equipment projects IT budget for 2005/06 -R826,5 million (Technology and IT services)
Summary of main spending priorities Priority (Programme vested) Status * Additional personnel (All)Expand * Improved remuneration (All)New * Death Grants (All)Maintain * Pay progression and Incentive and Rewards (All)Maintain * Scarce skills (All)Maintain * Capital infrastructure (P1)Expand * IJS priorities (P1)Expand * Modernization and expansion of vehicle fleet (All)Expand * Modernization of computer technology (P1)Expand * Firearm Control Act (P2)Expand * CCTV (P2)New * General equipment (All)Expand * Automated Fingerprint Identification System (P3)Expand Spending priorities Funded Budget