Fundamental Political Principles SOL 2a Open your binders and start copying the date, standard & content objective
Story Read the story given. After reading the story, write down what you believe are the “wrongs” in the story, meaning as U.S. citizens this would not happen in our country. 4 minutes
Government Who do you think really controls the Government here in the United States? How does the government get it’s power to rule??? Explain. Discuss with your face partner---1 minute.
Foundations of Constitutional Government Many times people ask, “What are the things that influence or shape the way that we think about our government? You are about to find out the answer to this question….
Government system of rule in a country, state, or locality Government system of rule in a country, state, or locality. We will focus on The U.S. Constitution Pres. Obama Harry Reid John Bauhner Gov. McDonnell
Foundations of Constitutional Government Political principle -- this is a basic, fundamental truth about government! There are many things about our government that we think are important. These basics make up the political principles of our government!
Fundamental Political Principles CE.2A An idea that is understood by all Americans; foundations of American government The U.S. is a democracy. The form of democracy that we have in this country is called a representative government (republic).
Political principles 1. Democracy The people rule
Democracy Form of government in which the people rule. “We the people…” Intro to the U.S. Constitution (our government), means the power of government comes from the people.
2. Representative Government People elect (vote) office holders to make laws and conduct business on their behalf
Foundations of Constitutional Government Representative government (republic) — People elect public officeholders to make laws and conduct government on their behalf. The people we vote for make the laws so we don’t have to (they still must listen to us) Rep. Gerald Connoly Pres. Barak Obama Sen. Mark Warner
What is a Political Cartoon? A political cartoon is used as a way of getting a message across to Americans that would rather see a picture than read an article. Typically they are funny and require a little bit of thought to figure out what they mean Read all words, look for symbols
What is this cartoon trying to say?
What is this cartoon trying to say?
Political Cartoon Create your own political cartoon on democracy. Your cartoon must have a title, picture(s) and words. Please color your picture.
3. Consent of the governed (popular sovereignty) People are the source of any and all governmental power
4. Limited Government Government is NOT all-powerful; it can only do what the people have given it power to do
5. Rule of Law Government and those who govern are bound by the law (no one is above the law)
Individual Activity Political Principles Worksheet
Group Activity In teams, write a short story or create a skit using all five political principles. Shorty Story---must be school appropriate, include all 5 principles, must be a real-life scenario. Must be written using correct grammar, sentence verb agreement etc Skit– can include different scenarios for each principle, must be school appropriate Each team will present their skit/story TODAY!!
Group Activity In your group, create a colorful picture for each of the five political principles. Label each picture. Each picture must represent a true depiction of the term.
Textbook Reading Read pp.45-48 In notes, define and give an example of monarchy and dictatorship Create a picture for consent of the governed
Exit Ticket You can not use your notes. Write out each statement and identify the political principle for each. 1. Citizens elect (vote) for officeholders to make laws and run the government. ________ 2. Government officials must follow the law. ___________________ 3. We the people are the source of government power ___________________ Rule of law, limited government, democracy, consent of the governed, representative government