Bell Ringer What event do you think had the largest impact throughout Monroe’s presidency? List and explain why.
Election of 1824: A 5 horse race John Quincy Adams William Crawford John C. Calhoun Henry Clay Andrew Jackson
Tight Race of 1824 None of candidates win majority Jackson wins Popular vote Henry Clay supports Adams in Congress “Corrupt Bargain” – Clay = Secretary of State – Forever known as the “Judas of the West”
John Quincy Adams Fairly poor president Spending money on improvements weakened by Jackson’s popularity He has no lasting legacy Better known for his abolitionist efforts after he was president. Jacksonian Democracy would come to power in 1828, but not without an ugly campaign…
Election of 1828
Mudslinging made it one of the dirtiest campaigns in history In speeches Jackson focused on: – Majority Rule – Dignity of the common man More voters allowed to vote. Victory of the people
Exit Ticket Describe the Corrupt Bargain. Why does this hurt JQA’s presidency?