I.Warm-up – Reviewing Strategies for Gaining Power “The lion cannot defend himself against snares and the fox cannot defend himself against wolves. Therefore, it is necessary to be a fox to discover the snares and a lion to terrify the wolves.” ~ Machiavelli, 1500’s 1. What do you think the above quote means? What strategies from yesterday does it represent? If... the machine of government... is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. ~Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobediance, What do you think the above quote means? Government: The Nature of Power, Politics & Government MONDAY 10/19/09 Learning Target: I CAN explain all 6 different strategies for gaining political power. Agenda: I.Warm-up II.Images III.Political Strategies Reading IV.Exit Slip 6 mins left 5 mins left 4 mins left 3 mins left 2 mins left 1 min left TIME UP
II. Images of Political Strategies in Action On the back of your handout, or on another piece of paper, respond to the following questions. 1. What is happening in this picture? 2. What do you think the person being arrested was trying to accomplish? 3. Do you think they achieved their goal? Government: The Nature of Power, Politics & Government MONDAY 10/19/09 Learning Target: I CAN explain all 6 different strategies for gaining political power. Agenda: I.Warm-up II.Images III.Political Strategies Reading IV.Exit Slip
II. Images of Political Strategies in Action 1. What is happening in this picture? 2. What do you think the people being arrested were trying to accomplish? 3. Do you think they achieved their goal? Government: The Nature of Power, Politics & Government MONDAY 10/19/09 Learning Target: I CAN explain all 6 different strategies for gaining political power. Agenda: I.Warm-up II.Images III.Political Strategies Reading IV.Exit Slip
II. Images of Political Strategies in Action On the back of your handout, or on another piece of paper, respond to the following questions. 1. What is happening in this picture? 2. What do you think the crowd of people was trying to accomplish? 3. Do you think they achieved their goal? Government: The Nature of Power, Politics & Government MONDAY 10/19/09 Learning Target: I CAN explain all 6 different strategies for gaining political power. Agenda: I.Warm-up II.Images III.Political Strategies Reading IV.Exit Slip
II. Images of Political Strategies in Action On the back of your handout, or on another piece of paper, respond to the following questions. 1. What is happening in this picture? 2. What do you think the designer was trying to accomplish? 3. Do you think they achieved their goal? Government: The Nature of Power, Politics & Government MONDAY 10/19/09 Learning Target: I CAN explain all 6 different strategies for gaining political power. Agenda: I.Warm-up II.Images III.Political Strategies Reading IV.Exit Slip
II. Images of Political Strategies in Action On the back of your handout, or on another piece of paper, respond to the following questions. 1. What is happening in this picture? 2. What do you think the artist was trying to accomplish? 3. Do you think they achieved their goal? Government: The Nature of Power, Politics & Government MONDAY 10/19/09 Learning Target: I CAN explain all 6 different strategies for gaining political power. Agenda: I.Warm-up II.Images III.Political Strategies Reading IV.Exit Slip
II. Images of Political Strategies in Action 1. What is happening in this picture? 2. What do you think the people marching were trying to accomplish? 3. Do you think they achieved their goal? Government: The Nature of Power, Politics & Government MONDAY 10/19/09 Learning Target: I CAN explain all 6 different strategies for gaining political power. Agenda: I.Warm-up II.Images III.Political Strategies Reading IV.Exit Slip
II. Walkout Clip Government: The Nature of Power, Politics & Government MONDAY 10/19/09 Learning Target: I CAN explain all 6 different strategies for gaining political power. Agenda: I.Warm-up II.Images III.Political Strategies Reading IV.Exit Slip
III. Political Strategies 1.Walkout/Boycott: Winning by Refusing to Play 2.Civil Disobedience: Winning by Shaming the Opposition. Read these two sections of your reading and fill out the table on your worksheet. GameDescriptionExample Government: The Nature of Power, Politics & Government MONDAY 10/19/09 Learning Target: I CAN explain all 6 different strategies for gaining political power. Agenda: I.Warm-up II.Images III.Political Strategies Reading IV.Exit Slip
V. Exit Slip Name the political strategy used in each scenario. A1. The President agrees to support the Republican’s “Don’t’Ask, Don’ Tell” policy in exchange for Republicans votes for healthcare reform. A2. A political candidate starts an ad campaign spreading lies about their opponent. B1. Residents of a neighborhood come together to fight local pollution. B2. People form a line across a major intersection to prevent a police van from arriving at the mall to arrest undocumented immigrant workers. C1. A political candidate knows they won’t win re- election by a fair vote, so they support public policy that would change voting laws in their favor. C2. Students walk out of school in protest of school budget cuts. Government: The Nature of Power, Politics & Government MONDAY 10/19/09 Learning Target: I CAN explain all 6 different strategies for gaining political power. Agenda: I.Warm-up II.Images III.Political Strategies Reading IV.Exit Slip