Procurement Shared Service Center May 19, 2016 Carmen Connect Webinar Audio – code:484159#
2 Procurement Shared Service Center Housekeeping Items All lines will be muted *6 to unmute your line to ask a question *6 to mute your line after you are done speaking The leads will be monitoring the questions via the chat boxes, please feel free to ask questions there.
3 Procurement Shared Service Center Agenda PSSC Staff Updates Purchasing update Travel Comparisons Original receipts Rental Car reminders
4 Procurement Shared Service Center Website Staffing Since the last Call Dennelle Michael has been promoted from Fiscal Associate supporting the Student Life Voucher approvals to a Fiscal Officer on Peggy Smith’s team supporting primarily the OCIO & ODEE’s office Stephnie Penn, Team Lead is out on extended leave A fiscal Associate position has been posted and interviews have been conducted. We hope to make an offer in the next week or so.
5 Procurement Shared Service Center Purchasing updates PO Closures Reminder to close old PO’s. Excel spreadsheets can be sent to your service center contact for closures. PSSC will be running reports looking for old PO’s FY15 & older and sending those to the department Fiscal contacts to confirm closing
6 Procurement Shared Service Center FY17 Blanket & Term order Renewals It’s time to start inputting eRequests for Blanket & Term orders for FY17 Please work with your PSSC contact to determine what orders should be renewed No Blankets for eStores vendors Term order should be for one Fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) with very few exceptions
7 Procurement Shared Service Center Blanket or Term Order
8 Procurement Shared Service Center Blanket Orders are used for transactions that occur very frequently (daily or multiple times a week) have a high variation of product types, undetermined timing and not available in eStores. As a general rule, transactions = a minimum of transactions per year. Blanket PO: Blanket order for bulk roadway salt Blanket order for Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals Term PO: Purchase of hay at 100 bales/per month An order that allows for the incremental purchase of a specific product or service when the price, quantity and schedule of fulfillment are largely predetermined and specified in the purchase order at the time it is initiated. The quantity can be the same with every delivery or may vary. Purchase of water delivery service (eStores)
9 Procurement Shared Service Center Departmental Price GuideMicro-Soft SURFACE available at Tech Hub
10 Procurement Shared Service Center Tech Hub has updated the Departmental Price Guide with Microsoft Surface product, which is on page 12. iceguide.pdf The selection we are starting with is focused on the most popular and cost effective devices. The options may grow as Microsoft grows their program. They (MS) are just getting started in the Education market, and I’m already starting to get word that they will be working with other distributors we use to focus on campus stores like ours. Hopefully, that means lower costs and more selection. If someone is looking for a configuration we don’t carry right now, they can contact us, and we’ll look into it. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. Chris Helman Store Manager The Ohio State University Tech Hub Tuttle Garage, 2059 Millikin Road, Columbus, OH Office Store Micro-Soft SURFACE available at Tech Hub
11 Procurement Shared Service Center Micro-Soft SURFACE available at Tech Hub Departmental Price Guidehttp://live-techhub-
12 Procurement Shared Service Center New contract book page for Break Room Products: Disposable items: spoons, forks, knives, plates, cups, etc. OSU branded items (plates, napkins) Sugar, coffee, creamer, and more! Special order available Next day delivery ContractBook/Break_Room_Products.pdf
13 Procurement Shared Service Center Flag Lady on High Street – new contract Promotional Products American Solutions for Business: New benefit: 3.88% additional rebate to the University Paper Price increase & best practices Do you need to print or can save as PDF and scan/send? You have 2 monitors for good reasons Print on multi-function device Print 2 sided Avoid color; 7X or 10X more costly vs. BW Do NOT purchase desktop printers; contact UNIPRINT first
14 Procurement Shared Service Center My Quote in eProcurement for “Standard Autos” Bid results awarded to: Jack Maxton – Chevrolet Dealer invoice, less rebates & concessions, plus $33.50 processing Ricart – Ford Dealer invoice, less rebates & concessions, plus $ processing Contract Book Page in works
15 Procurement Shared Service Center
16 Procurement Shared Service Center When is a comparison required? Vacation in conjunction with Business travel Anytime personal time is being added to the beginning or the end of business travel, a comparison estimate must be created to determine what the business travel expenses would be if the traveler was traveling on the business days only. If the traveler is leaving from alternative sites due to being on vacation (i.e. traveling from a location other than Columbus when the travelers home base is Columbus). Flying Vs. Driving or Driving vs. Flying When a traveler is requesting to drive to a destination where flying would be more economical When a traveler is requesting to Fly to a destination where driving would be more economical Travel Comparisons
17 Procurement Shared Service Center What should be included in the comparison? Airfare Comparison quotes should be obtained at the same time as the airfare that is being booked using the most economical flights reasonable had business travel only occurred. If a comparison for airfare is being used for Drive v. Fly estimates, the airfare quote should be obtained when the travel request is being estimated. The same airline or travel site should be used for the comparison Flying vs. Driving or Driving vs. Flying All related expenses should be included: Airport parking Baggage fees Per deim Rental car & gasoline Hotel parking Personal vehicle mileage Lodging Tolls Flight costs # of travelers Travel Comparisons
18 Procurement Shared Service Center Travel Comparison Form is now posted on the PSSC website under the forms tab. Travel Comparisons
19 Procurement Shared Service Center Original receipts should be kept in the department for 60 days after they are scanned into eRequest or eTravel eRequest or eTravel scanned records become the official record Remember to redact HIPPA, FERPA, or restricted data prior to scanning and attaching to eSystems Original Receipts
20 Procurement Shared Service Center National rental Car & Enterprise Rent-a-car are the designated travel agencies Link above has discount code and Pin for renting for business travel DW/CDW/LDW and liability insurance is covered by the business rental agreement Only if National or Enterprise are not available at your travel location other rental car agencies may be selected DW/CDW/LDW and liability insurance must be purchased at the time of rental Personal rentals Business rates through National and Enterprise are available for personal use (separate discount Code & PIN) DW/CDW/LDW and liability insurance is not covered for personal rentals Rental Car Agency reminders
21 Procurement Shared Service Center PSSC addresses Area Dnodes CIO and ODEE Dnodes Enrollment Services and Undergraduate Education Dnodes Grad Grad School Dnodes (D3000, D3001, D3002) John Glenn OAAJohn Glenn Dnode (D4240) Dnode (D3200) OAA OAA Admin Dnodes (D4009, D4200, D4201) ODI OAADiversity & Inclusion Dnode (D4207) OHR OAAAll Human Resource Dnodes (D4700, D4710, D4720, D4730, D4750, D4780) International Affairs Dnodes (D4232, D4235) Outreach & Engagement OAAAll Outreach & Engagement Dnodes (D5900, D5910) Research Dnodes Wexner Center Dnodes ADMIN PSSC-Govt Govt. Affars ADMIN PSSC-Board of Board of Trustees ADMIN PSSC-Ofc of the office of the President ADMIN PSSC-Legal Legal Affairs ADMIN PSSC-Univ University Advancement ADMIN PSSC-Business and Business & Finance ADMIN PSSC-SL SL Advancement Operations ADMIN PSSC-SL Tech Tech Services ADMIN PSSC -SL Facilities, Management, And Logistics ADMIN PSSC-SL Dining Dining Services and Regional Dining ADMIN PSSC-SL Res Life & Housing, Regional Housing, and Residence Life ADMIN PSSC-SL Ohio Ohio Union, Student Activities ADMIN PSSC-SL Rec Rec Sports ADMIN PSSC-SL Health & Health Services, Student Wellness, Counseling & Consultation Services ADMIN PSSC-SL Admin Budget & Planning, Fiscal Support Svcs, CFO, SL Admin, CFTSOSL, Strategic Communications, and BuckID ADMIN PSSC-SL Student Student Health Insurance, Student Advocacy, Student Conduct, MCC, Off Campus, carreer Counseling, Buckeye Careers, Disability Services
22 Procurement Shared Service Center Questions?
23 Procurement Shared Service Center Thank You!