The Twelve Days of Christmas A song rich with symbolism
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First Day of Christmas On the First Day of Christmas My true love gave to me: A partridge in a pear tree. True love = God The Father Partridge in a pear tree =Jesus the Christ
Second Day of Christmas On the Second Day of Christmas my true love gave to me: two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree Two turtle doves = Old and New Testaments
Third Day of Christmas On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me: Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me: Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. Three French Hens = 3 Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love. Three French Hens = 3 Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love.
Fourth Day of Christmas On the Fourth Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Four Calling Birds, Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. On the Fourth Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Four Calling Birds, Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. Four Calling Birds = 4 Gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Four Calling Birds = 4 Gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Fifth Day of Christmas On the Fifth Day of Christmas my True Love sent to me: Five Golden Rings, Four Calling Birds, Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge and a Pear Tree. On the Fifth Day of Christmas my True Love sent to me: Five Golden Rings, Four Calling Birds, Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge and a Pear Tree. Five Golden Rings = 1 st 5 books of the Old Testament known as the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and, Five Golden Rings = 1 st 5 books of the Old Testament known as the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and,Deuteronomy
The Sixth Day of Christmas On the Sixth Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me : Six Geese A-Laying, Five Golden Rings, Four Calling Birds, Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree On the Sixth Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me : Six Geese A-Laying, Five Golden Rings, Four Calling Birds, Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree Six Geese A-Laying = 6 days of Creation Six Geese A-Laying = 6 days of Creation
Seventh day of Christmas On the Seventh Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Seven Swans A- Swimming, On the Seventh Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Seven Swans A- Swimming, Seven Swans A Swimming = The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit which are Wisdom, Counsel, Knowledge, Piety, Understanding, Fortitude, Fear Of The Lord Seven Swans A Swimming = The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit which are Wisdom, Counsel, Knowledge, Piety, Understanding, Fortitude, Fear Of The Lord
The Eighth Day Of Christmas On the Eighth Day Of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Eight Maids A-Milking On the Eighth Day Of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Eight Maids A-Milking Eight Maids A-Milking = The 8 Beatitudes Eight Maids A-Milking = The 8 Beatitudes
The Ninth Day of Christmas On the Ninth Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Nine Ladies Dancing On the Ninth Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Nine Ladies Dancing Nine Ladies Dancing = The 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit which are love, patience, goodness, gentleness, joy, kindness, chastity, self-control, peace, generosity, faithfulness, modesty Nine Ladies Dancing = The 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit which are love, patience, goodness, gentleness, joy, kindness, chastity, self-control, peace, generosity, faithfulness, modesty
The Tenth Day Of Christmas On the Tenth Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Ten Lords A-Leaping On the Tenth Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Ten Lords A-Leaping Ten Lords A-Leaping = The 10 Commandments Ten Lords A-Leaping = The 10 Commandments
The Eleventh Day Of Christmas On the Eleventh Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Eleven Pipers Piping On the Eleventh Day of Christmas my True Love gave to me: Eleven Pipers Piping Eleven Pipers Piping = The 11 Faithful Apostles (Judas betrayed Jesus) Eleven Pipers Piping = The 11 Faithful Apostles (Judas betrayed Jesus)
The Twelfth Day of Christmas On the Twelfth Day of Christmas my True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Drummers Drumming On the Twelfth Day of Christmas my True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Drummers Drumming Twelve Drummers Drumming = the 12 points of doctrine (teachings/beliefs) in the Apostle’s Creed