Life in the Spirit! Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit Experiencing the Fullness of Christ #7 The Sanctification of the Spirit (1 Pet 1:1-2)


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Presentation transcript:

Life in the Spirit! Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit Experiencing the Fullness of Christ #7 The Sanctification of the Spirit (1 Pet 1:1-2) Experiencing the Fullness of Christ #7 The Sanctification of the Spirit (1 Pet 1:1-2) Life in the Spirit! Calvin Chiang Oakland International Fellowship

Life in the Spirit! Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit What is Your Next Port?

Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit Life in the Spirit! Section 2: Christian Growth 1 1 “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Rom 8:14)

Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit Life in the Spirit! The Canning Process

Life in the Spirit! Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit The sanctification of the Holy Spirit is very similar to the process of canning. There are 3 major steps that you normally take in the canning process. First you need to sterilize the jars that you will be using prior to canning. Second, you fill the jars with whatever that you have decided to preserve (i.e. fruits, veggies, etc.). Lastly, after filling your jars with what you are canning, the jars are sealed to keep the food from spoiling. As Christians, we receive the forgiveness of sins from what Christ did for us on the cross. However, often times we forget the purpose of that new life is to be filled with Christ. The purpose of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to seal our salvation and to keep our lives pure through the precious blood of Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives in us with a set purpose to conform us to God’s holiness. The sanctification of the Holy Spirit is very similar to the process of canning. There are 3 major steps that you normally take in the canning process. First you need to sterilize the jars that you will be using prior to canning. Second, you fill the jars with whatever that you have decided to preserve (i.e. fruits, veggies, etc.). Lastly, after filling your jars with what you are canning, the jars are sealed to keep the food from spoiling. As Christians, we receive the forgiveness of sins from what Christ did for us on the cross. However, often times we forget the purpose of that new life is to be filled with Christ. The purpose of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to seal our salvation and to keep our lives pure through the precious blood of Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives in us with a set purpose to conform us to God’s holiness.

A) By the Sanctifying Work of the Spirit (1 Pet 1:1-2) Sanctification: is the act or process of being made or becoming holy. It has the sense to make holy, set apart for or consecrated to one, in this case our Mighty Creator. “Sanctifying” and its various forms are used 60 times in OT and NT about equal times. “ 1 Who are chosen 2 according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, that you may obey Jesus Christ…” (1 Pet. 1:1-2).

Life in the Spirit! Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit Initial Sanctification Initial Sanctification: “Who are chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father” reminds us that our new lives in Christ are fully identified by God’s new work in us through the Holy Spirit. God selects the people for His use and sanctifies them or sets them apart from others so that they might produce good work and good fruit. 1. It’s an initial moral change, a break from the power and love of sin. Believers are “dead to sin but alive to God” (Rom 6:11). 2. Believers no longer under sin’s dominion (Rom 6:14) and begin to develop a love of righteousness. (Rom 6:17- 18).

Life in the Spirit! Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit Behavioral Sanctification Behavioral Sanctification: “By the sanctifying work of the Spirit” clearly teaches that God’s sanctifying work is clearly done by the Holy Spirit. This change occurs both inside and out. 1. We may not fully understand the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in us but we understand the powerful influence it has in our life. 1. The sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit is not always pleasant.

Life in the Spirit! Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit Lifelong (Progressive) Sanctification Lifelong (Progressive) Sanctification: “That you may obey Jesus Christ” sets the compass for God’s Holy Spirit to lead us. We are not only free from our sin but empowered and directed to live in constant obedience to Jesus Christ. 1. Sanctification is not a one time fix but rather an ongoing process that takes a lifetime to complete. (1 Peter 1:13-15). 2. This occurs through a daily spiritual renewal. Even the apostle Paul claimed that he had not reached perfection, but that he “pressed on” to attain everything Christ desired for him. (Phil 3:12) 3. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to complete God’s work in us. God always finishes what He started. When we see Him again, each believer will be completely conformed to His image. 4. Past, Present, Future

Life in the Spirit! Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit The Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16) “Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Cor. 3:16) “A temple of God” brings images of holiness and separation to our minds. The specific term for temple here refers to the Holy place and the inner Holy of Holies, the most set apart place where God dwelt. “You are a temple of God” conveys the idea that our bodies are the shrine, the sacred place in which the Spirit not only lives but is worshiped, honored, and revered. Therefore what we let into the temple through our eyes and ears becomes critically important as well.

Life in the Spirit! Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit The Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16) “Dwelling” reveals that God has made His home in us. He does not come and go, but is always there. He is there to clean house much like how Jesus cleaned “house” whenever He encountered the money changers in the place of worship. Even though the Holy Spirit will never leave us, it is possible to grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30). Paul reminded the Ephesians to get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgave you. “Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Cor. 3:16)

Life in the Spirit! Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit Conclusion The Holy Spirit sanctifies God’s people by living inside them and further influencing all that they do. Instead of completely focusing on tradition, programs and ritual, Christians also need to turn to sensitize themselves to God’s presence in them to fully build up their spiritual lives. The Spirit is dynamic in the way He sets us apart but also in other ways to guide and build us up and speaks to us through God’s Word. The Holy Spirit sanctifies God’s people by living inside them and further influencing all that they do. Instead of completely focusing on tradition, programs and ritual, Christians also need to turn to sensitize themselves to God’s presence in them to fully build up their spiritual lives. The Spirit is dynamic in the way He sets us apart but also in other ways to guide and build us up and speaks to us through God’s Word.

Session #7 The Sanctificatio n of the Spirit Life in the Spirit! Discussion Questions Out of the 3 types of sanctification (Initial, Behavioral, and Progressive), which one do you identify with the most and how has it played a role in your life? Have you ever thought of being a temple where God lives? What is the current state of your temple-your body?