2016 Grade 8 Trip June Big Cove
About Big Cove YMCA Camp Founded in 1889 Oldest residential camp in Nova Scotia Goal is to provide youth with opportunities for development in spirit, mind and body Ideal location for outdoor and environmental education and teambuilding
Location Approximately 15 minutes East of New Glasgow (towards Antigonish) – about 2 hours from Halifax. Exit 27A off the Transcanada Highway 104 Pay phone available to students Camp phone number for emergencies is :
Departure Information Students will be leaving from Eric Graves on Wednesday morning June 8th at approximately 9:00 am Students are expected to travel with the group, on the bus, to and from the camp We encourage all students to have a healthy breakfast and a good night’s sleep the night before the trip!
Supervision Ms. Syms Mr. Ingram Mr. Curry Ms. Osborne Big Cove Camp Staff
Code of Conduct Regular school rules apply and will be enforced Cell phones: not during activities Serious offences will result in a student being sent home There will be no tolerance for tobacco, alcohol, drugs, weapons
Accommodations Cabins – can accommodate up to ten students and chaperones. Prior to the trip students will be asked to submit 4 roommates and at least 2 of those 4 will be in their cabin. Cabin lists will be given upon arrival at Big Cove
Accommodations Cabins are serviced with electricity and have bunks and mattresses Own bedding is required (i.e. sleeping bag) and also towels Cabins are unheated and participants need to be prepared for cold evenings! Central washroom facility has flush toilets and showers
What to Bring and Not to Bring! Clothing: pants, shirts (long and short sleeve), sweater/hoodie, toque, jackets (warm and rain), rain pants, rubber boots Bedding: sleeping bag or thick blankets and sheet, pillow Personal Care: towel, toiletries Optional: Flashlight, board games, cards, disposable camera, insect repellent Not to Bring: IPods**, junk food, expensive digital cameras
Meals Three delicious, well balanced meals and a nutritious evening snack are served family style in the main dining hall. Big Cove is a nut-free facility If special requirements due to dietary concerns please let us know asap The camp asks that students not bring junk food
Daily Schedule Wake Up 7:30 am Breakfast 8:30 am Organized camp activities Lunch 12:30 Organized camp activities Recreational Time Supper 5:30pm Camp Wide activity Camp Fire Snack 9:00 pm
Return Information Students will be arriving back at Eric Graves on Friday afternoon June 10th at approximately 2:45 Students are expected to travel with the group, on the bus, to and from the camp