Presentation to School of Veterinary Medicine
Presentation Format Assumptions What it is Why access What Challenges are they in assessment? Tools available in Moodle
All learners can improve and achieve their full potential There is need to share goals with learners There is self and peer assessment to make it meaningful There is need for the learner & the teacher to review & reflect on the assessment tool Feedback can be used for improvement The focus should be on the learner to improve, encourage and remove barriers
What it Is Qualitative assessment procedures carried to make informed decision about teaching methods and next steps in students learning For the E-Assessment Electronic assessment ▪ Computer based ▪ Computer assisted
Computer BasedComputer Assisted QuizzesAssignments Peer assessment (Chats) E-Portfolio Reflective Journals (Blogs) Discussion Forum Glossaries Wikis (Etc)
What have I Achieved Where do I want to go Why Access Diagnostic Formative ▪ Transistory Summative ▪ Final Skills Check (Initial) What Skills do I need to get there What amI doing?Whatnext?
Flexibility Pedagogical ▪ Program is on course ▪ Getting feedback ▪ From Students (instantaneous capable of handling large groups) ▪ From Peers ▪ From teachers ▪ Variety of formats and media available ▪ Student’s support needed Administrative ▪ Reduce time spent on face to face ▪ Presence of grade book allows faster collation of data
How to ensure that the data is secure How to avoid plagiarism How to ensure that it is satisfactory
uidance_5.pdf uidance_5.pdf tech/Moodle%20tools%20for%20e- assesment.pdf tech/Moodle%20tools%20for%20e- assesment.pdf hd485/AssessmentCrisis.pdf hd485/AssessmentCrisis.pdf es/Education%20Division/PLC/Classroom%20As sessment.pdf es/Education%20Division/PLC/Classroom%20As sessment.pdf