A Beautiful Mess
God’s Word A Beautiful Mess Does God’s Word speak to us concerning what is going on around us? Can God’s Word help me live as a Christ- follower in Harare Zimbabwe today?
1 Corinthians A Beautiful Mess Chapters 1 – 4 25% UNITY!
1 Corinthians A Beautiful Mess
When there is water in the boat! 1 Corinthians 5
Chapter 5 A Beautiful Mess In verses 1-5 we have the problem In verses 6-11 we have Paul’s instruction And finally in verses we have the application
What is the problem? There was a case of incest in the church Rather than mourn over this shocking sin, it seems the church had tolerated it A Beautiful Mess
Paul’s Instruction A Beautiful Mess 0.5% yeast 250g loaf = 1.25g yeast
Paul’s Instruction Paul tells us in verses 3 to 5 that we must exercise spiritual discipline on the person who is sinning Firstly on the name and authority of our Lord Jesus Secondly, Paul says that the power to discipline this man comes from our Lord Jesus A Beautiful Mess
Paul’s Instruction Church discipline is to be exercised carefully on the authority of Jesus’ name and the verdict given is accompanied by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. The goal of all spiritual Godly discipline is restoration 2 Corinthians 7:9-12 A Beautiful Mess
Paul’s Instruction Verses 9 to 11 Paul did not mean that Christians must have no contact with all immoral people. Paul’s instruction is to have nothing to do with a person who claims to be a Christian, a brother or sister in Christ, but who lives a sinful life We cannot be in unity with them. The Bible says, “What fellowship can light have with darkness?” A Beautiful Mess
Application for us Firstly, we are not to judge those outside the church. We have a responsibility to spend time with those outside the church, with lost people. Secondly, we are called to judge those inside the church. Judgement starts with us. This applies to all sin, not just sexual immorality! A Beautiful Mess