Open Door Church Sunday 2 nd October 2005
When my mind is renewed
A stronghold is a mind-set impregnated with hopelessness that causes us to accept as unchangeable situations that we know are contrary to the will of God. Ed Silvoso ‘That None Should Perish’
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2
When my mind is renewed… …I am transformed 1
When my mind is renewed… …I am able to see God’s will for my life 2
When my mind is renewed… …I have confidence to be different 3
When my mind is renewed… …I take thoughts captive and make them obedient 4
When my mind is renewed… …I see God’s solutions NOT man’s problems 5
When my mind is renewed… …I begin to live my dreams 6
When my mind is renewed… …I smile more and feel better! 7
When my mind is renewed
Open Door Church Sunday 2 nd October 2005
Prayer of Commitment Open Door Church Peterborough:UK
Lord Jesus Christ; I’m sorry for the things I’ve done wrong. I know that my sins have separated me from you. 1
I am truly sorry and now turn away from my past. I am truly sorry and now turn away from my past. Please forgive me and create a clean heart in me. 2
I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins, rose to life from the dead, is now alive, and hears my prayer. 3
I invite you to be Lord of my life, to rule and reign in me from this day forward. 4
Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You and guide me to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.” 5
Prayer of Commitment Open Door Church Peterborough:UK
“Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of the Spirit, washed in Christ’s blood”. Fanny J Crosby ( ) British hymn writer