AGIS: What Went Well? Tech Talks Included weekly in the building electronic newsletter. Topics included: Technical information (accessing the server, equipment sign-out procedures, etc.) Internet resources (animals, thematic units, professional development, clip art, seasonal activities) Cyber Cafés Offered 1-2 workshops per month with morning and afternoon sessions. Topics included: Using , file management Working with graphics Using camcorders digital cameras Software Applications: Power Point, MS Word, iMovie Integrating Technology Workshop
AGI: What Worked Working with teachers to promote integrating technology in the classroom.
AGI: Goals for Next Year Initiate new ITLTs and provide time for them to learn. Provide more time for co-teaching. Work to help teachers understand their children’s level of proficiency (now that all students have had a computer class). Encourage teachers to allow students to use technology as a choice for a project or assessment. Work to develop building/district technology standards for teachers (based on ISTE). Provide multiple ways for teachers to demonstrate proficiency. ITLTs and tech aides will initiate staff training early in the year.