Presentation to Portfolio Committee for Higher Education and Training Joe Samuels, Acting CEO Mark Albertyn, CFO 29 March 2011 SAQA Strategic Plan: 2011 – 2014
Overview of the Presentation Strategic Planning Context and Background Strategy Budget and Finance Risks
Strategic Planning: Context and Background Context and Background
Context Changed role and responsibilities for SAQA New responsibilities for QCs (CHE and Umalusi) Establishment of the QCTO Appointment of a new, smaller Board NQF ACT Ministerial CAS Project Directive by DPSA to government departments to only use the NLRD verification service New SETA landscape NSDS III OTHER CHANGES IN THE NQF LANDSCAPE
Vision A world class NQF for South Africa Mission To ensure the further development and implementation of a NQF which contributes to the full development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large
Overall Strategy NQF Act (and related legislation) Regulations on Dispute Resolution Draft Guidelines and strategies for the NQF Minister’s Letter to the Chairperson Minister’ Address to the Incoming Board National Policy Environment The New Growth path: the Framework, Human Resource Development Strategy for South Africa (2010 – 2030), National Skills Development Strategy III, Presidential Outcome 1 (Basic Education), Presidential Outcome 4 (Decent Employment Through Inclusive Growth), Presidential Outcome 5.1 (Higher Education and Training), Declaration Signed at the Skills Summit
Minister’s Draft Guidelines and Strategies for the NQF System of Collaboration NQF Implementation Plan Urgent Delivery Requirements Implement the fundamental components of the NQF – standards setting, quality assurance, progression and information. The new NQF standards setting apparatus of the NQF should be completed and put into operation The new NQF quality assurance apparatus of the NQF should be completed and put into operation The new progression apparatus of the NQF should be completed and put into operation The new NQF information apparatus of the NQF should be completed and put into operation
Strategic Imperatives SAQA embraces diversity, environmental sustainability and social justice. SAQA as the oversight body of the NQF and custodian of its values, will for the MTEF period:
Strategic Imperatives Continue to manage the transition Continue to build research and development capacity and credibility Advance lifelong learning through the NQF and mechanisms such as RPL, CAT and CAS Engage proactively with key partners to develop common understandings Create the climate and conditions for effectiveness through advocacy and excellent service delivery
Strategic Objectives Advise the Minister, and inform policy-makers and make recommendations on all NQF matters Position SAQA as the oversight body and guardian of NQF values and coordinate an effective public NQF advocacy and communication strategy Engage proactively, and coordinate the work of NQF partners to ensure systemic coherence, articulation and implementation Register high quality, nationally relevant and internationally comparable qualifications and part- qualifications that meet national criteria
Strategic Objectives Recognise professional bodies and register professional designations on the NQF Conduct or commission research together with research partners, and publish reports on issues of importance to the NQF Monitor and evaluate education and training across the three sub-frameworks Maintain and further develop the National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD)
Collaborate with SAQA’s international counterparts and keep its NQF partners informed regarding international leading practice Advance lifelong learning through credit accumulation and transfer, recognition of prior learning, and career advice
Strategic Objectives Provide an evaluation and advisory service with respect to foreign qualifications Support targeted education, training and development communities Ensure effective governance and compliance to the statutory requirements as applicable to SAQA, as well as the aligned development of human, financial and infra-structural resources, to support the achievement of organisational objectives
Budget, Finance and Plans
Budget Assumptions That the budget is based on SAQA’s new mandate in terms of the NQF Act, with an implementation date of 1 June That personnel costs will be adjusted for the effects of inflation at 6%. That performance and broad banding level adjustments for all levels of staff are implemented and maintained. That inflation in income will be around 5%, except for DFQEAS revenue that will be R13,4 million. NLRD to generate R6 million from verifications project. That inflation of costs will be around 5 % with SAQA having to absorb any higher inflation by using resources more effectively and efficiently to still achieve its operational goals.
Budget Assumptions The funding from government will be at least R41,4 million. That extra project funding will be sought for clearly defined and discrete projects. Not all objectives in the strategic plan will be implemented unless further funding or grants are obtained. Will be a formal prioritisation process and unfunded mandates will be declared to government. A total of 48 new and 7 contract positions will be created resulting in a staff complement of 178 staff members (Including Contract positions). 27 of the new positions will be for the CAS help line. (Scenario 1)
Medium-term revenue estimate 2011/122012/132013/14 RRR Submitted Revised Scenario 3 Budget Projected Income Tax revenue Non-tax revenue32,830,00030,471,50028,883,172 Transfers received ◦ Government grant ◦ Donor / Project funding 41,435,000 28,900,000 43,606,000 39,700,000 46,136,000 20,800,000 Total Revenue103,165,000113,777,50095,769,172
Medium-term expenditure estimate 2011/122012/132013/14 R R R Expenditure Submitted Revised Scenario 3 Budget Projected Current Compensation of employees 61,514,57468,205,44857,999,651 Goods and services 37,375,61241,939,09735,095,918 Transfer payments and subsidies 202,814212,955223,602 Current Total 99,093,000110,357,50093,319,172
Medium-term expenditure estimate (cont’d) 2011/122012/132013/14 Expenditure R R R Capital4,072,0003,420,0002,450,000 Transfer payments Property, Plant & Equipment 4,072,0003,420,0002,450,000 Land and subsoil assets Total budget103,165,000113,777,50095,769,172 Surplus/ (Deficit) 0 00
Programme Budget Analysis Budget amount Programme 1:Administration and SupportR 41,296,402 Career Advice Services ProjectR 28,900,000 Programme 2:Recognition and RegistrationR 7,644,018 Programme 3:National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD) & Verifications Project R 11,343,502 Programme 4:Foreign Qualifications: Evaluation and Advisory Services R 13,981,078 Total BudgetR 103,165,000
Administration and Support: ◦ Executive Office Build and maintain relationships with the principal (DHET), partners and stakeholders Establish a Career Advice Helpline (ministerial project with NSF Funding) Ensure good corporate governance, compliance with statutory requirements and support to the Board and Management
Administration and Support: ◦ International Liaison Represent SAQA on international bodies to build and support SAQA initiatives Inform SAQA, partners and stakeholders about international developments and contribute to critical thinking regarding NQFs Collaborate with countries and regions requesting assistance
Administration and Support: ◦ Finance and Administration Support Strategic decision making Manage cash flow Monitor and control procurement Facilitate occupational health and safety, manage facilities and safeguard staff Maintain financial system (record and report), manage donor relationships, ensure internal controls and facilitate audits Train staff on PFMA, PPPFA, Treasury Regulations, and King III
Administration and Support: ◦ Human Resource Organisational development and staffing (recruitment) Ensure a performance and recognition culture and facilitate learning and development Establish and maintain a fair and affordable remuneration and benefits structure Instill a caring organisational culture that ensures healthy relationships and labour peace Ensure that administrative, legislative and policy requirements are met
Administration and Support: ◦ Information Technology Deliver a robust, sustainable secure and responsive technology environment in support of SAQA’s objectives and responsive to governance requirements Acquire, build and integrate modular systems that support the core business and integrate into existing technology Build a service delivery capability to ensure that the IT infrastructure meets operational requirements in terms of availability, capacity and service delivery
Administration and Support: ◦ Advocacy Initiative Undertake appropriate market research to effectively inform the advocacy initiative and to plan interventions Review and update the Advocacy Initiative strategy and plan, and grow awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the brand – internally, with the education, training and development sector, and with the public Interact with the market: brand ambassador (masithethe), helpline, website
Administration and Support: ◦ Strategic Support Build SAQA brand with partners, stakeholders and public Provide Internal Communication Ensure quality, appropriate publications Host and participate in strategically selected events Provide quality service to SAQA clients Improve and grow capacity building events (NQF support link and workshops) Improve and grow NQF and SAQA websites Collect, manage, and distribute quality information sources (resource centre) Implement and maintain File Plan and Records Management System
Administration and Support: ◦ Research Advise Minister and inform policy makers on NQF and education and training matters Conduct/commission research and report on matters of importance in relation to the NQF Provide research in SAQA, positioning SAQA as NQF co- ordinating body, and the development of CAT and RPL
Registration and Recognition: ◦ Facilitate smooth transition from the old to the new landscape ◦ In consultation with the QCs and Professional Bodies, develop policies for the new landscape ◦ Registration of high quality, nationally relevant and internationally comparable qualifications and part-qualifications that articulate across sub-frameworks
Registration and Recognition: ◦ Provide for the recognition of Professional Bodies and the registration of designations ◦ Collaborate internally to develop regulatory frameworks for the implementation of new policy ◦ Support government with respect to skills development policies by providing support for the QCTO with respect to quality assurance of education and training.
National Learners’ Records Database: ◦ Market the NLRD to key clients in the public and private sector ◦ Populate the NLRD with all available data, ensure that it is of acceptable quality, and manage it appropriately ◦ Maintain and further develop the HEQCIS for the CHE ◦ Ensure that the research potential of the NLRD can be utilised, and develop key reports and services
National Learners’ Records Database: ◦ Ensure system support other than OnLineDBA for the NLRD ◦ Support the NQF, other directorates and SAQA as an organisation ◦ Provide a service for the verification of the achievement of qualifications at South African institutions
Foreign Qualifications: Evaluation and Advisory Service ◦ Nurture and grow expertise of DFQEAS ◦ Position DFQEAS as relevant and value-adding partner ◦ Enhance existing / develop new services and products to better serve market needs, and ensure delivery to the satisfaction of clients and stakeholders
Budget Challenges Budget cuts of R2,4 million for each of the 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 financial years SAQA 3 Scenario planning strategy Insufficient funds to cover Scenario 1 plan Scenario 3 budget submitted for approval
Deliverables affected by only having Scenario 3 budget Strategic Support Communications strategy on a limited scale - effectiveness survey may not be done Implementation of above-the-line communication limited Fewer seminars and conferences can be hosted Participation in strategic exhibitions reduced Printing of reports on SAQA research projects reduced from about 15 to 6 Limited development of NQF, SAQA and Community gateway websites
Deliverables affected by only having Scenario 3 budget NLRD Limited enhancements to data-testing & loading program Limited development of standard reports and searchable databases Could be insufficient funds for developments required ito Prof Bodies
Prioritised Risks : Resources Financial Insufficient budget to support planned activities Inadequate funds in respect of Advocacy Human Resource Loss of skilled staff to the system and key activities therefore not completed at the required level of quality Loss of skilled staff members or contracted individuals who have specialised on SAQA systems
Prioritised Risks : Resources Infrastructural (IT) Insufficient resources to ensure business continuity of SAQA systems Access required from outside SAQA draws attention of hackers and mischief makers, who could attack the servers – resulting in unacceptable recovery times
Prioritised Risks : Management of SAQA’s Operations Verifications Risk of disseminating incorrect information and not meeting stakeholders’ needs Reputational risk of not meeting deadlines NLRD
Prioritised Risks : New NQF Landscape Transition Full operational capacity at the QCs is slow to achieve and impacts synchronisation QCs develop at different rates and is not able to collaborate with SAQA and each other Human resource capacity in the directorate
Presentation to Portfolio Committee for Higher Education and Training Joe Samuels, Acting CEO Mark Albertyn, CFO 29 March 2011 SAQA Strategic Plan: