Availabilty : WRDS + DVD Content: Financial statement information, ownership, and subsidiary information, auditor information of listed and private firms Geographic coverage: Europe Number of companies : > 11 mio Number of countries: 41 Data range : 10 years financial statement information; other information: most recent year Primary Identifier: Amadeus ID Number Secondary Identifier: SEDOL, ISIN, ticker, company name
Amadeus - WRDS Select Bureau van Dijk
Amadeus: separate databases match with company identifiers
WRDS 4 steps: Step 1: Select the data range Step 2 : Select the format of the companies codes (Amadeus ID number, tic, isin or sedol) and select companies Stap 3 : Select variables Stap 4: Export dataset
Select data range (max. 10 years available !)
Select a format of company codes: Only available for listed firms
WRDS 4 methods to select companies: Method 1: Search unique identification number of a company based on its legal name (very time consuming ) Method 2: Import a list of identification numbers Method 3: Search the entire database (but only 2 research criteria are available) Method 4: Retrieve saved company codes from my WRDS In practice : combination of various methods, e.g. starting with method 3, select key variables, save dataset or export to excel. Import these identification numbers and add other selection criteria to reduce your dataset
4 methods to select companies Match between selected firms and selected dataset BUT: selection of a more extended dataset increases time
Select the companies Enter a company name Select identifier
Click on “add codes to list” Click on “add codes to query”
This list of company identifiers should be saved as a.TXT file. ! MATCH between format of company identifiers included in TXT file and selected format of company identifiers Method 2: Upload a file containing company identifiers
Selection of additional search criteria is possible
Method 3: Search entire dataset Include additional search criteria (max. 2). If additional search criteria are necessary, export and upload a temporary list of companies, and refine your search adding additional search criteria
Some examples = Case sensitive! E.g. there will be only data output with “Yes”, not with “YES” or “yes”.
Step 4: Selection of the variables These company identifiers could be used to link with other databases such as datastream, compustat (only listed firms)
Descriptive and activity information
Important: Financial data are expressed in the local currency (differs from DVD)
Financial statement information expressed in actual units (not in thousands e.g.)
Step 4: Data export. Click on data type Possibility to save your query
Save and open your dataset
Dataset could include both consolidated and unconsolidated data
Financial data in local currency
Ownership data, subsidiary information, auditors, … in separate databases. Matching via company identifiers Only available for most the most recent year (make use of prior DVD)
stock price information: very limited use Datastream
Amadeus (DVD)
Dataverzameling Search criteria
Upload previous saved search strategies
Copy-Paste in this field or “load from disk”
Either click on “add” or “List format”
Save variables