Mirik Healthfoods Products The products of “Mirik Healthfoods” are reputed for their unique quality. It manufactures more than 150 traditional formulations and few special products developed by its R & D department. Mirik Healthfoods has also products that are related to beauty and skincare and it has a wide range of products and all these products are really effective. Ayurvedic products are made up of herbs and that has been made since 5000 years.
USP: To relieve symptoms of loss of appetite, palpitations, difficult breathing and physical weakness as seen in anaemia. Composition: Each Capsule contains: Ferrum 50 mg., Iron Sulphate 50 mg., Emblica Officinalis 75 mg., Withania Somnifera 75 mg., Rosacentifolia 50 mg., Boerhabia Diffusa 50 mg., Tribulus Terrestris 40 mg., Asparagus Racemosus 30 mg., Pueraria Tuberosa 30 mg. Dosage: 1 Capsule twice a day or as directed by the physician.
USP: Special formulation for Liver Disorders like Loss of Appetite Indigestion HepatitisAlcoholic liver disease Composition: Each 5 ml. Contains: Aqueous Extracts of Andrographis Paniculate100 mg., Picrorhiza Kurroa 40 mg., Eclipta Alba 200 mg., Capparis Spinose 35 mg., Cichorium Intybus 35 mg., Solanum Nigrum 16 mg., Sacripunkha 250 mg., Cassia Occidentaib 10 mg., Terminalia Arjuna 16 mg., Achillea Mille Folium 10 mg., Tamarix Gallica 10 mg. Dosage: As directed by the physician.
USP: Helps to elimminate the toxicity of circulatory system and assists in the recovery of the conditions related to impure blood. Composition: Each Capsule contains: Azadirachta Indica 80 mg., Picerrorhiza Kurroa 100 mg., Old Ferrum 20 mg., Tinospora Cordifolia 30 mg., Fumeria Vaillantti 30 mg., Blumirlacera 30 mg., Operculina Turpenthum 40 mg., Terminalia Chebula 80 mg., Psoralia Coxylifolia 55 mg., Sulphar 10 mg. Dosage: 1 Capsule twice a day or as directed by the physician.
Lycopene with Multivitamin Capsules Vitamin E: Useful in Physical endurance Vitamin C : Helps in collagen synthesis Zinc Sulphate Increases immunity power to fight against infection Selenium Dioxide :Valuable Antioxidant Composition: Each Hard gelatin Capsules contains: Lycopene 5% 5000 mcg., Vitamin A 5000 I.U., Vitamin C 50 mg., Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate eql. to el. Zinc 10 mg., Selenium 150 mcg., Vitamin E 25 mg., Ferrous Fumerate 25 mg., Potassium Iodide 0.05 mg. Dosage: 100% Dietary Supplement
USP: The Power of Antioxidant fortified with Spirulina with multi Vitamins & Minerals CapsulesPregnancy & Lactation Convalescence, Restricted Diet, Stress, Chronic Alcoholism, Debility Composition: Each Hard gelatin Capsules contains:B-Carotene 5 mg., Spirulina 250 mg., Vitamin A 5000 I.U., Vitamin E 30 I.U., Vitamin B1 3 mg., Vitamin B 2 2 mg., Vitamin B6 3 mg., Methyl Cobalamine 5mcg., Vitamin C 100 mg., Selenium 2 mcg., Zinc 4 mg., Folic Acid 2 mg., Copper 2 mg. Dosage: Use as Dietary Supplement.
USP: Helps to relieve the symptoms of constipation, bleeding, pain and itching associated with piles. Composition: Each Capsule contains: Berberis Aristata 30 mg., Terminalia Chebula 50 mg., Quercus Infectoria 50 mg., Azadirachta Indica 50 mg. Ficus Raligiosa 50 mg., Blumea Lacera 20 mg., Alum 20 mg., Syzygium Chumini 100 mg., Boerhaavia Diffusa 50 mg., Ovitesta Shell 30 mg. Dosage: 1 Capsule twice a day or as directed by the physician.
MIRIK HEALTHFOODS (P) LTD. Address: 1110, Suryakiran Building 19 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Connaught Place New Delhi (India) Phone: Fax: