12.6 Primate Evolution Updates: 14.1 reading/DRTA due Anoles answers due Homework: –Quizzes continue Thursday: writing on isolation AAP: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays Keystones: Wednesday 5/18 – Thursday 5/19
12.6 Primate Evolution LEQ: What is artificial selection? Do Now: Collins writing What are five important things to remember about isolation (choose any). Pair-share: fact or fiction? “Humans are not evolving and because evolution is slow humans cannot influence it.” Key terms –artificial selection (selective breeding),
12.6 Primate Evolution Evolution through selection is not random. Natural selection can have direction w/o purpose. Populations re-adapt to a changing environment.
12.6 Primate Evolution Variation in phenotype is the basis for selective breeding. Artificial selection produces desired traits through selective breeding –Domestic plants –Domestic animals
12.6 Primate Evolution Discussion: What is artificial selection? Create a group definition. How was George Beadle et al., able to demonstrate that teosinte and maize are related? How was teosinte transformed into maize? Include the genetics/traits in your discussion.
12.6 Primate Evolution
Scientists can now introduce genes/traits into crops to create genetically modified foods (GMOs). –Higher yield varieties –Pestiscide resistance
12.6 Primate Evolution Biotechnology, selective breeding, and gene flow Modern technology has introduced trans genes to free- living populations of some crops
12.6 Primate Evolution