Modern World Chapter 8 The Early Middle Ages
Germanic Kingdoms No Cities-No Rules No Cities-No Rules Franks Franks Clovis-486 A.D. Clovis-486 A.D. Gaul Gaul Christianity Christianity Clovis being baptized.
Muslim World Arabia, Northern Africa, Spain Arabia, Northern Africa, Spain Franks Franks Charles Martel Battle of Tours 732
Charlemagne Grandson of Martel Grandson of Martel Empire Empire Pope Leo III-800 A.D. Pope Leo III-800 A.D. Crowned Emperor of Romans Crowned Emperor of Romans Conflict Conflict
Education under Charlemagne New Rome New Rome Aachen Preserving Greece and Rome Preserving Greece and Rome Reading and Writing Reading and Writing
After Charlemagne Death 814 Death 814 Fighting Fighting Treaty of Verdun-843 Treaty of Verdun Regions 3 Regions Invaders Invaders Muslims Muslims Vikings Vikings Magyars Magyars
Emergence of Feudalism Threats Threats Feudalism Feudalism Lords Lords Lesser lords Lesser lords Vassals Vassals Feudal Contract Feudal Contract Fief Fief War War Structured Society Structured Society
World of Nobles Knights Knights Tournament Tournament Castles Castles Chivalry Chivalry Code of Conduct Code of Conduct Women Women Troubadours Troubadours
Peasants-Serfs Heart of Economy Heart of Economy Serfdom Serfdom Long hours Hunger/Disease
Church in Middle Ages B9F912B796EEF44&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=22 B9F912B796EEF44&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=22 B9F912B796EEF44&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=22 B9F912B796EEF44&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=22 Christianity Christianity Augustine Augustine England England Clothilde Clothilde Clovis Clovis Parish Priest Parish Priest Village Church Village Church Social Social Tithe Tithe Women in the Church Women in the Church
Monks and Nuns Benedictine Rule Benedictine Rule Benedict 530 A.D. Monte Cassino-Italy Rules 3 Vows Preservation Preservation Convents Convents Abbess Hildegard Books Visions
Religious Authority Sacraments Sacraments Absolute Power Absolute Power Cannon Law Cannon Law Excommunication Excommunication Interdict Interdict
Reform in the Church Cluniac Reforms Cluniac Reforms Abbot Berno of Cluny, France Abbot Berno of Cluny, France Pope Gregory VII Pope Gregory VII Marriage Marriage Simony Simony Francis of Assisi Francis of Assisi Franciscans Franciscans Dominic Dominic Dominicans Dominicans
New Technology of Middle Ages Iron Plow Iron Plow Harnesses Harnesses Windmills Windmills 3 Field System 3 Field System Trade Routes Trade Routes Trade Fairs Trade Fairs
New Towns of Middle Ages Roads Close Roads Close Cities Cities Charters Charters Business Practices Business Practices Banking Houses Bill of Exchange
Social Life Serfdom Serfdom Middle Class Middle Class Guilds Guilds Sanitation in Cities Sanitation in Cities