Home Access Programme Terry Waller Inclusion Manager, Becta
The challenge - narrowing the gap Three quarters of a million households with children lack an ICT device and even more homes lack high quality connectivity Lower income households are most likely to lack home access reducing opportunities to support parental engagement and compounds social exclusion Schools find it to difficult to build on existing ownership and access Evidence demonstrates that penetration is slowing The digital divide is not reducing fast enough.
2006 June 2006 Jan 2007 Dec 2007 Jan 2008 March 2008 July 2008 DfES asks industry for proposals on how to achieve universal home access Jim Knight announces creation of Home Access Taskforce Children’s Plan highlights importance of technology at home Proofs of Concept launched in nearly 40 schools Tanya Bryon publishes ‘Safer Children in a Digital World’ Becta publishes Harnessing Technology Strategy Taskforce submits its final report to Jim Knight Public Consultation on home access £90m Computers for Pupils initiative launches The Story So Far...
“To ensure that all pupils aged 5 to 19 in state maintained education in England have the opportunity to have access to computers and internet connectivity for education...at home” Jim Knight Minister of State for Schools and Learners Home Access - the vision System wide and education led Learner and parent focused Minimising the burden to schools and LAs Sustainable and long term More joined up across departments and initiatives Funding targeting the disadvantaged Home Access Taskforce principles
Audiences and benefits Disadvantaged Part/whole funding or more relevant offer Specific support for particular needs Removal of barriers to access Without access Economic benefits Flexible access to online services Improved links and communication Benefits for all Improved educational services e.g. real time reporting, ‘anytime, anywhere’ learning Increased educational attainment Improved parental engagement Access to guidance and support Confidence in suitable and safe home access equipment Better signposting to services Can afford HA but yet to be convinced Have home access Cannot afford Home Access
Home Access Taskforce proposals For there to be benefits for all learners for all parents for all learners and parents for families with low incomes & children with specific needs by maximising the benefits of home access by all increasing the perceived value by parents removing the barriers of cost for families with low incomes.
Five key strands in the programme The Next Generation Learning campaign to: – encourage parents/carers to engage with their children’s learning – stimulate interest from all families to obtain home access to technology if they do not yet have it – illustrate how all can derive real benefits from home access for learning more effectively, accessing public services & making savings An approved supplier scheme with functional specification Services to ensure eligible low income families can apply and receive support effectively and efficiently Support for learners and their parents Support for schools and local authorities All aligned to other activities – joining up government
Summary of phasing Initial launch Autumn 08 – Autumn 09 2 LA-wide phase one pilots engagement and collaboration with stakeholders, including industry aligning supporting policy and agencies building on past achievements establishing national financial and legal frameworks funding via LAs for targeted groups Autumn 09 onwards national roll-out ongoing support for learners parents, schools and intermediaries national targeted campaign
Support the home access needs of groups who might otherwise be at risk of being overlooked in a ‘parent’ focused programme. Learners for whom local authorities have direct or additional responsibility including: looked after children (children in care, Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children) very mobile pupils including Travellers medical needs particular disabilities locally identified groups. All LAs have the opportunity to receive Standards Funds through expressions of interest process (approx £20M to support up to 20,000 learners). Opportunity to develop/refine guidance and support materials for parents/carers, learners, schools and LAs and gain insight to inform national programme. Targeted Groups
Maximum flexibility to reflect local priorities Input to Home Access national rollout Additional opportunity for National Challenge Schools Procurement support available if required – Mini-competition to secure value for money – Capitalise connectivity costs Potential further funding in subsequent years Letter sent to all DCS 23/10/08 Targeted Groups
Looked After Children Proposals should address how you expect to provide an ICT support service to those young people who are living out-of-authority? what guidance you expect to provide to looked after children and care leavers about how they can get the most out of ICT to enhance their knowledge and understanding and to ensure that they are safe online? how you expect to ensure that carers understand about the benefits of the scheme, support their child’s access to ICT and understand the issues around online safety?
Targeted Groups – building on existing expertise
Further details DCSF press notice - Sept Taskforce report Home_Access_Report.pdf Home_Access_Report.pdf DCSF press notice - October 21 Terry Waller Becta Millburn Hill Road Science Park Coventry CV4 7JJ Telephone: +44 (0) Becta