NSBE Startup! Joseph Deng Region V Business Diversity Chair 2013 Region V Conference
What is NSBE Startup NSBE Startup is new initiative within region V At FRC, there will be a mixer event with two groups of participants. Group 1, people with ideas to be developed and need help.
What is NSBE Startup Group 2, people who have the skills and who can help and want to help. The individuals in Group 1 will have a chance to pitch their idea to Group 2 with details on the skills they seek The pitch’s goal is to entice and recruit a potential partner/help
What is NSBE Startup This is chance for two groups to meet, people with ideas and people who can help. The goal is to find partners and people with complementary skills to make your idea a success. Ideas could be anything and at any stage, business ideas, inventions, apps, etc
Remember! NSBE is only hosting the event, plans, negotiations, and partnership rules are left to the participants, please take proper steps to protect your idea. There will be “Intellectual Property 101” workshop at FRC for those who are interested in learning more about protecting their idea
Group 1- the pitchers You have 2.5 minutes to pitch your idea to the audience. Please cover the following: what is your idea, how do you plan to achieve it. If you already started on it, how far are you? What skills do you have, and what skills do you need. How can you be helped, and what do you have to offer. This is a limited list, please do your due diligence
Group 2 - partners Please listen carefully to the pitchers, and consider and do the following: How can you help, and what do you have to offer. Think about what do you hope to get out of it. Think about the commitment and what it would take to get going. Approach and talk to the pitcher of interest This is a limited list, please do your due diligence
Signup Signup Link – Both groups need to signup Here!Here – Please signup if interested this event will go forward if we have enough participant For Any Questions Please Contact: – Joseph Deng, your Region V Business Diversity Chair at
Extra Slide: Potential Events at FRC to Help Develop your Idea! Workshop: Intellectual Property 101 Workshop: Funding Your Next Idea! Workshop: Finance 101 Workshop: Starting Your Business! Elevator Pitch Competition, – Signup Here!Here NSBE Marketplace! – Signup Here!Here NSBEpreneur Content Survey -How can NSBE help you to make your idea come true Here! Here