Shuo Chen Microsoft Research One Microsoft Way David Ross Security Technology Unit, Microsoft One Microsoft Way Yi-Min Wang Microsoft Research One Microsoft Way Presented By: Yasser Yahia Abd El-Fattah
Problem description. Related Work XSS bugs in Java applications. The Tahoma Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM).
Exploiting the Interactions between IE and Windows Explorer. Exploiting Function Aliasing. Exploiting the Excessive Expressiveness of Frame Navigation Calls. Exploiting the Semantics of User Events.
The Accent Key. Accenting and De-accenting. Why the XOR operation. How to implement the mechanism.
The mechanism was tested on IE v6 and proved that it can defeat the different attacks described. The mechanism is able to be implemented on IE v7 due to the no difference between the structure of the two versions.
Browsers’ isolation mechanisms are critical to users’ safety and privacy on the web. The implementation of IE’s domain-isolation mechanism and the previously reported attacks. The proposed the script accenting technique as a light-weight transparent defense against these attacks.