What are your biggest problems with conventions in your writing. What kinds of mistakes do you usually make? Why do clowns wear loud socks? Lip flap – when a person on television can be seen talking but not heard Lip flap – when a person on television can be seen talking but not heard. Goals – Work on “conventions” that count on the HSPE. Evaluate our essay from last week. Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocabulary test # 23.
Over the years, humans have benefited from inventions (as simple as a zipper and as complex as a computer or space ship). Write a multi-paragraph essay for your teacher in which you name an invention that has had an important impact, and explain why it is an important invention. Why did the clown go to the doctor? Hammocking – putting a new television show between two established hits. Goals – Analyze the prompt and do the starting brainstorm. Work on conventions and elaboration. Homework – None.
Imagine that you had the chance to meet anyone in the world. Write a multiple paragraph letter to your teacher explaining why you would like to meet that person. Why do bees hum? Drooling – unrehearsed talking to fill in allotted radio or TV program time. Sometimes called “yata-yata-yata.” Goals – Focus on elaboration stategies. Homework – None.
By the time you are a sophomore in high school you have been in many different classes. Think about a memorable class. Write a multiple-paragraph letter to a teacher explaining why that class was memorable. What do you call a pig that knows Karate? Claque – hired applauders. Those who show approval for a fee or self-interest. Goals – Focus on layering. Practice. Homework – None.
Five minutes to study for Vocabulary #23. Why did the girl drink seven cans of pop? Captation – An attempt to attain applause or recognition. Goals – Successfully complete Vocabulary #23. Intro duce persuasion. Homework – None.