With Expository Writing!
Expository Writing Workshop
This presentation will focus on Types of Writing Expository Writing Expository Writing is the easiest type of writing to learn.
Expository writing explains or informs. Expository Writing Prompts for expository writing use words such as: explain, clarify, inform, describe. Expository writing has three main parts or sections. This nine weeks, you will be writing an expository essay. In this class, the expository essay will usually have five paragraphs.
The three body parts of an expository paper include Expository Writing The Introduction The Body The Conclusion The body usually has three sections or paragraphs.
Expository Writing The Introduction The Body The Conclusion The introduction should state the theme of the paper The body provides support, details, and examples. The conclusion “wraps up” thoughts and ideas about the theme.
Brainstorming After reading a prompt, students brainstorm ideas for their paper. Example: The student is asked to write about pets. The student makes a list of Ideas for a paper about pets. There are no right or wrong answers in brainstorming. Students write down all of their ideas.
Sample Brainstorming List Brainstorming Dogs Sam cats Merlin parrots Popeye love me help me play with me guard the house make me happy best friend funny messy pets After brainstorming, students choose their best or their favorite idea.
After the topic is chosen, the student makes an outline Making An Outline My pet is my best friend Loves me Protects me Plays With Me My pet is my best friend Students may refer to the outline as a pre-writing or an organizer.
The three body parts should contain support for the topic of the paper. Making An Outline Introduces the topic support & detail support & detail support & detail Concluding statements about the topic Each box will be one whole paragraph on the completed paper.
Take a closer look at one of the three body parts on the organizer Making An Outline support & detail This is just an example of the type of support that could go in a body paragraph. detail personal experience detail
An example of the first body part of the organizer filled with ideas for writing Making An Outline My pet loves me Instead of a personal experience, you could describe an example. He licks me When I was sick, he stayed on my bed all day. He cuddles me
Here is the final outline for the pet paper. Making An Outline My pet cat Merlin is my best friend He Loves me He protects me He plays with me Pets like Merlin are good friends Once an outline is completed, it does not have to be followed to the letter. He licks me he hisses at he chases string He cuddles me strangers he bats a ball When I was sick chases dogs to me laid on my sick he bit a dog We like to run bed. that chased me around the house
Once the student creates an outline, he or she puts the essay together paragraph by paragraph Writing the Paper Everyone has a best friend, but not everyone’s best friend says, “meow,” and is covered with white fur. My cat Merlin is the best friend any girl could wish for. He loves, me, protects me, and plays with me. The introductory paragraph may contain only two or three sentences. Introductory Paragraph
Writing the Paper Foremost, I know Merlin loves me because he licks me which is a cat’s way of kissing. Also, he cuddles up next to me and purrs. Last week, I had the flu, and Merlin cuddled up on my bed and stayed next to me the whole time until I was better. Students must indent at the beginning of every paragraph. First Body Part Some of the words in the paragraph are highlighted in yellow. They are transition words. Find out more about transition words on the Writing With Mrs. Shaw page.
Writing the Paper Another reason Merlin is my best friend is that he protects me. He hisses at strangers so they will not come near. He chases dogs that come around our yard. Once my brave cat even bit a big dog that tried to come too close to me! Second Body Part Paragraphs in the three body parts should consist of more than three sentences.
Writing the Paper Finally, best friends are supposed to be fun to be around. Merlin is hilarious. He looks so funny when he chases the string that I dangle for him. He butts the balls I throw at him right back to me. Merlin and I even have fun running through the house playing chase. Third Body Part
The final paragraph should restate the topic Writing the Paper In conclusion, Merlin and I will always be best friends. I love him just as much as he loves me. Pets can be wonderful pals, but I am especially lucky to have a buddy like Merlin. The conclusion usually has at least two or three sentences. Conclusion
In writing an expository paper, the student should: Read the prompt carefully Brainstorm a list of ideas Make an outline Write an introductory paragraph Write at least two or three body paragraphs Write a concluding paragraph Completing the First Draft
When students are writing the first draft, they do not need to worry about conventions. After they have completed their first copy, they will edit their paper. Check for indentions Check for good grammar & spelling Check for complete sentences Check for capitals and periods Check for good descriptions Check for clear explanations Editing the Paper The term “conventions” refers to spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.
Expository Writing Review Brainstorm Make an Outline Write the Paper Edit for Conventions