Configuring Resources in Scheduler Open Source Community Call April 5, 2016
Anatomy of a Resource 1 Resource Alternative Resources Activities Availability (Default & Adjustments) Sub- Location Resource Type Available for Templates?
2 Resource Alternative Resources Activities Availability (Default & Adjustments) Sub- Location Resource Type Available for Templates? CRC Administration determines: Pre-Requisites Sub-Locations All locations available for visits at your institutions Activities All activities that can be performed across all resources Resource Information Resources Resources available to be scheduled for visits (e.g. nurse, room, equipment, techs, etc.) Resource Type For each resource, specify its resource type Options: Nursing, Nutrition, Room, Other Note: Options are not configurable in the system without code changes Resource Sub-Location For each resource, specify its sub-location Example: If you have 1 Nurse at Sub-Location 1 and 1 Nurse at Sub-location 2, create 2 separate Nurse resources Resource Activities For each resource, specify one or more activities he/she can perform Example: For resources that do not perform activities (e.g. room), you may include a general activity like “Comment” Directly added to Scheduler database Added by CRC Administration via the Scheduler UI
3 Resource Alternative Resources Activities Availability (Default & Adjustments) Sub- Location Resource Type Available for Templates? Directly added to Scheduler database Added by CRC Administration via the Scheduler UI At this point, resources are now added to the database with some basic information. Make the Resources Available for Use 1.Navigate to the Resources Module 2.Click the button Resources and sub-locations in the dropdowns are resources in the DB that have not yet been added to the main list 3.Select your desired resource/sub-location combination and click 4.The resource added should now appear in the main Resources list and should be available to add into visit templates
4 Resource Alternative Resources Activities Availability (Default & Adjustments) Sub- Location Resource Type Available for Templates? Directly added to Scheduler database Added by CRC Administration via the Scheduler UI Specify Availability & Quantities Default Availability Specify, by day of the week, what hours each resource is typically available. Specify quantity for each time period. Note: For non-continous availability or quantity on a particular day of the week, create an entry for each time period. Temporary Adjustments Add exceptions to the default availability by specifying specific dates/times that a resource may be unavailabile or your quantity of the resource may change. Specify Alternative Resources Select resources from your main list that can replace the primary desired resource if he/she/it is not available. Example: Room 2 and Room 3 are alternates of Room 1.
5 Resource Alternative Resources Activities Availability (Default & Adjustments) Sub- Location Resource Type Available for Templates? Now, you are ready to add your desired resources into your visit templates. When adding to a visit template, you will specify: Desired Resource/sub-location Desired resource times and category (fixed, float, flex) If the standard alternates are acceptable for this resource in this visit (Yes/No) Which of the available activities for the resource will be performed in the visit
Backup 6
Who Typically Uses Scheduler? 7 Define Site Specifics CRC Users Resources Suitable alternatives General availability Adjustments to availability Sub-location closures Study & Visit Information SchedulingReporting Study Visit Template Subjects Study Staff Schedule Overbook Custom Reports and Data Analysis CRC StaffStudy Staff
Resources 8 CRC Administration decides which resources, activities, and sub- locations to create in Scheduler Currently, the system only accommodates Resource Types: Nutrition, Nursing, Room, Other Resources, activities, and sub-locations added directly to Scheduler database to make them available in the system Access resources and sub- locations added to DB via button. Select and save the resources and sub-locations using the dropdowns to specify make the resources available for use in template building and in order to specify availability details.
Subjects 9 Study Staff typically search for and create new subjects in order to add them to a study and then schedule them. They can also set subjects as active/not active in the system or within a study.
User Management 10 CRC Administration create new users and add users to studies as study members and study contacts. They can also reset passwords. Study Staff can reset their own passwords.
Study Information 11 CRC Administration creates and opens studies. Edit details Create and approve visit templates Add study members Study Staff create and add study subjects, as well as mark them as active/not active on the study.
Schedule Appointments 12 Study Staff can and should always try to schedule their appointments using the wizard, leveraging the algorithm to look for available appointment slots. CRC Administration can overbook appointments that do not automatically fit, but that they know can be accommodated.
What’s Needed to Schedule? 13 Ref. LetterTable(s) Asublocation B resource resource_annotation line_level_annotations resource_type resource_sublocation C resource_schedule resource_alternate Dsublocation_closure_interval E user (static list tables) Fstudy_user G study (static list tables) Hstudy I (static list tables) J visit_template template_resource template_resource_annotation (static list tables) Ktemplate_approval_history L subject (static list tables) Mstudy_subject