The Status and Progress of Next-Generation BenMAP Development and Future Work Plan 1 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 2 South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China 3 Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN Shuxiao Wang 1, Yun Zhu 2,1, Joshua Fu 3
Outline Next-Generation BenMAP Requirements BenMAP N_0.2 Linking to RSM & ABACAS List of Questions for BenMAP 4.0 Development Tools and Platform
Basic attributes for Next Generation BenMAP Open-Source: Open-source code for developers & free installation for users; allow user to export data set and/or format under open-source environment User-Friendly: Easy-to-use GUI interface, streamlining operations & reports, batch job capability, and support multi-platform Computational Efficiency: Enhance BenMAP speed via advanced computational and multi-threading technology Enhanced Visualization & Analysis Capabilities: Develop integrated and standalone GIS functions and other advanced visualization and anlalysis techniques Audit trail: Enhance the audit trail to allow flexible data inputs and include AQ and benefit mapping and graphical capabilities Link to RSM & ABACAS: Build an integrated framework for Air Benefit and Control Assessment System (ABACAS) International BenMAP: Serve as an international AQ/health benefit tool and compare AQ/health impacts among countries (e.g., USA vs. China)
Basic Requirements for Next Generation BenMAP Air quality --Import and display air quality estimates from a variety of commonly used photochemical grid and dispersion models in the native format of that model (e.g. netCDF) and CSV format (RSM output format) --Roll back air quality monitors according to user-specified algorithms (proportional, incremental, quadratic, peak shaving). --Roll back air quality surfaces to reflect attainment with NAAQS design values --Ability to define a new pollutant Health impact estimation --Enable users to program a single pollutant or multi-pollutant health impact function that can be subsequently run in BenMAP U.S. census data and Woods & Poole projections to Baseline mortality and morbidity rates --Ability to apply health impact function to a discrete geographic area (e.g. a city) within a national analysis --Ability to assess health impacts by populations stratified by age, income, ethnicity and educational status Aggregation, pooling and valuation --Pool results across studies using a variety of techniques (Random effects, fixed effects, sum, avg., etc). --Aggregate to user-defined area --Apply income growth adjustment --Select cost year --Estimate change in life years Report --Summarize results in tabular format --Export as.csv or.xlsx file
Outline Next-Generation BenMAP Requirements BenMAP N_0.2 Linking to RSM & ABACAS List of Questions for BenMAP 4.0 Development Tools and Platform
Framework of Next-Generation BenMAP Develop integrated GIS to display in-step AQ/Benefit data. Integrated GIS
Framework of Next-Generation BenMAP Develop stand-alone GIS to perform advanced analysis of spatially-bound input data (e.g. population, baseline incidence) & results (e.g. estimated health impacts) stand-alone GIS
Key Technical Issues to be Addressed Computation Efficiency Enhanced GIS functions GIS Visualization Efficiency
Key Technical Issues---- Computation Efficiency Multi-thread: Multi-threading technology will be used in both Health Impact Functions and Aggregation, Pooling and Valuation (APV) calculations to improve the computational speed when multiple formulas are chosen. Each single computational function will be assigned a independent thread to take advantage of multi-CPU (or cores) power (in most PCs/laptop now). Database Optimization: Both database design and access mode will be optimized to enhance the computational efficiency
Key Technical Issues---- Enhanced GIS functions Open-Source GIS: Develop enhanced and customized GIS functions based on the open-source GIS tool, “Map Window 6”, which will provide significant improvements in GIS V/A functions over BenMAP v.4.0. Spatial Data Analysis: The spatial or gridded AQ/benefit information can be aggregated to selected regions of interest and displayed in various graphical forms (e.g., bar chart, pie chart, quantity color map, etc.)
Key Technical Issues---- GIS Visualization Efficiency Background/Asynchronous Multi-Thread: Each thread will be assigned to calculate and analyze spatial field of gridded data input files. The user will experience the speed-up without process interruption since the calculations will be conducted at the “background” mode. Direct use of GIS layer structure: The GIS layer files (processed or previously saved) can be directly loaded to the GIS platform after they are built at the background.
Inherited functions from BenMAP 4.0
User-friendly Interface & Process
GUI Enhancements & Streamlining Integrated GUI to streamline the setting process as well as provide “tips” to inform users of undefined data and/or errors
Outline Next-Generation BenMAP Requirements BenMAP N_0.2 Linking to RSM & ABACAS List of Questions for BenMAP 4.0 Development Tools and Platform
Development Tools and Platform of NGB CategoryDevelopment ToolNotes Database Open-Source Database Firebird (version 2.5) File System Firebird (version 2.5) d-2-5/ for the configuration etc. File system for the model data, output data etc. Development Environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2010,.NET Framework 4 Will consider multi-platform (e.g., Macintosh, Linux, etc.) Programming Language Microsoft Visual C# C# is widely used & typically more computationally efficient than java & others GIS Open-Source GIS platform: MapWindow (version 6.0).
Database Management Tool---- Firebird Maestro
Database Design Tool---- PowerDesigner
Outline Next Generation BenMAP Requirements Development Tools and Platform BenMAP N_0.2 Linking to RSM & ABACAS List of Questions for BenMAP 4.0
Integrated Design of BenMAP, RSM-VAT, and CoST Response Surface Modeling Visualization and Analysis Tool for estimating AQ benefit model the emission reductions and engineering costs associated with control strategies RSM-VAT CoST RSM-VAT will provide real-time air quality data for BenMAP and linking with CoST will conduct integrated cost/benefit analysis seamlessly Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program for estimating the health impacts BenMAP
Emission Control AQ Benefit Health Benefit Identify and compare cost s of alternative control strategies Assess air quality benefit of emission control Emission Control Health & Environ. Benefit Air Quality Benefit Assess health and Environ. benefit of emission control CoST CMAQ/RSM BenMAP Effective AQ Management Requires Scientifically Sound Cost/Benefit Assessment Tools From Dr. Carey Jang
Operation Process for Cost/Benefit Assessment
ABACAS Prototype Development ABACAS system will provide an integrated framework to link key AQ benefit and cost assessment tools together
Linking RSM to BenMAP: Provide real-time or batch mode AQ data to BenMAP
Demo Processes for BenMAP N_0.2 The outputs of BenMAP N_0.2 and BenMAP 4.0 are almost identical based on the same input data and configuration; however, BenMAP N_0.2 provides enhanced GIS functions, user- friendly operations and computational efficiency
Outline Next Generation BenMAP Requirements Development Tools and Platform BenMAP N_0.2 Linking to RSM & ABACAS List of Questions for BenMAP 4.0
List of Questions for EPA on BenMAP 4.0 Manage Setup: Health Impact Function Definition, Inflation Dataset Manager, Manage Incidence Datasets, Valuation Function Definition Data format: storage rules of middle data file (*.aqg, *.cfg, *.cfgr, *.apv, *.apvr, *.model), etc. Air Quality Grid Creation: treatment methods related with monitor data, etc. Incidence Estimation: Latin Hypercube Points, the value of Beta in the CR Functions, Start Age and End Age in Selected CR Functions, etc. Aggregation, Pooling and Valuation: health impact functions, Income Growth, etc. One-Step Analysis: the functions used in the “Incidence Estimation” and “Aggregation, Pooling and Valuation”, the reports open or output, etc. Detail information is listed on the document of “Next Generation BenMAP N_0.2 Wish List”
Work Plan Summer 2011 – Design BenMAP prototype framework and define/resolve key technical issues Fall 2011 – Delivery of next-generation BenMAP prototype Winter 2011/2012 – Delivery of BenMAP v.0 (beta version) Spring/Summer 2012 – Delivery of BenMAP v.1 Summer 2012 – Delivery of next-generation BenMAP User’s Guide Fall 2012 – Project summary report
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN