How This Will Work: In the next couple of slides I have a bunch of questions for you! In the next couple of slides I have a bunch of questions for you! When I ask a question, raise your hand and I will throw you a ball When I ask a question, raise your hand and I will throw you a ball You can only answer the question when you are holding the ball! You can only answer the question when you are holding the ball!
What is an Epidemic? An epidemic is when a disease is spread through a large population An epidemic is when a disease is spread through a large population
What Causes a Disease? There are 2 main causes of diease: There are 2 main causes of diease: 1. Viruses 2. Bacteria
What is a Virus? Microscopic organisms Microscopic organisms They are not alive They are not alive They land on the outside of a cell and inject their DNA into the cell They land on the outside of a cell and inject their DNA into the cell The DNA mixes with the DNA already in the cell and starts to create lots more viruses The DNA mixes with the DNA already in the cell and starts to create lots more viruses The new viruses burst out of the cell and find new cells to attack The new viruses burst out of the cell and find new cells to attack
What is Bacteria? Bacteria are actually alive!! Bacteria are actually alive!! Much more complicated than viruses Much more complicated than viruses Easier to treat when you get sick Easier to treat when you get sick Bacteria are treated with antibiotics (penicillin is a common one) but viruses are much harder to treat Bacteria are treated with antibiotics (penicillin is a common one) but viruses are much harder to treat
Bacteria There are 3 main shapes of bacteria: There are 3 main shapes of bacteria: Cocci (ball-shaped) Cocci (ball-shaped) Bacilli (rod-shaped) Bacilli (rod-shaped) Spirlilla (spiral shaped) Spirlilla (spiral shaped)
How can diseases spread? Coughing Coughing Blood Blood Eating/drinking from someones food/cup Eating/drinking from someones food/cup From human to human From human to human From animal to human (sometimes) From animal to human (sometimes)
The Biggest Epidemic The influenza epidemic (the flu) The influenza epidemic (the flu) Have you ever had the flu? I have Have you ever had the flu? I have The flu used to be extremely deadly The flu used to be extremely deadly More people died from the Spanish flu than in World War 1 More people died from the Spanish flu than in World War 1 The flu is a viral epidemic, it can mutate and cause new diseases (this is why you get a flu shot every year; the flu changes strains) The flu is a viral epidemic, it can mutate and cause new diseases (this is why you get a flu shot every year; the flu changes strains)
Mutation Mutations are not always a bad thing! Mutations are not always a bad thing! A mutation is when DNA changes, almost by mistake, and results in a new ability A mutation is when DNA changes, almost by mistake, and results in a new ability
Do you remember the Swine Flu? It didn’t reach epidemic levels, but a lot of people got sick It didn’t reach epidemic levels, but a lot of people got sick It was a specific strand of fly that effect pigs then it mutated to effect humans It was a specific strand of fly that effect pigs then it mutated to effect humans
The Plague Huge bacterial epidemic Huge bacterial epidemic Also called “Black Death” Also called “Black Death” Effected people especially in their middle ages Effected people especially in their middle ages It is not deadly anymore due to antibiotics It is not deadly anymore due to antibiotics It was known as a pandemic, meaning that it spread across continents or even worldwide It was known as a pandemic, meaning that it spread across continents or even worldwide
Spreading Disease What if one of the leaders was sick with a contagious disease and touched the ball that you all just touched? What if one of the leaders was sick with a contagious disease and touched the ball that you all just touched? You would all have the sickness on your hands! You would all have the sickness on your hands! Using a UV light we will be able to see this all over your hands Using a UV light we will be able to see this all over your hands
Preventing Sickness Washing your hands well is one of the best ways to protect yourselves against disease Washing your hands well is one of the best ways to protect yourselves against disease Covering your mouth when you cough & sneeze Covering your mouth when you cough & sneeze Staying home when your sick Staying home when your sick Washing your clothes & sheets often Washing your clothes & sheets often Wearing a mask! Wearing a mask!
Designing a Mask Let’s desgin masks to wear to protect ourselves from sickness Let’s desgin masks to wear to protect ourselves from sickness Materials: Materials: Construction paper Construction paper Staples Staples Tape Tape Scissors Scissors elastics elastics