With Power Point Suggestions m/home/citation-rules/
URL- web address ( Source- place information came from Citation- reference to a source In-text citation- reference to source within paper or presentation Quote- using a source’s exact words Paraphrase- putting a source’s words in your own words (still cited!) Works cited page- list of sources cited at end of paper or presentation
Type key words into google search, not entire questions. Ex: What did Ancient Greeks eat? versus Ancient+Greek+Food Use reliable sources Not: wikipedia, not answers.com, etc. If you’re not sure, use the checklist
Use after quotes and paraphrases General rule: Author’s last name+page number (Smith 74) Not a book? Use Author’s last name (Smith) No Author? Use the title of the work (Purdue Owl) or (nytimes.com)
If found online: copy URL and paste under picture If found elsewhere: use MLA citation (sheets in classroom or Purdue OWL) Original Site Original Site
Works Cited – those words are top middle Alphabetical order by author USE SOURCE SHEETS for format Not okay: Great: Russell, Tony, Allen Brizee, and Elizabeth Angeli. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 4 Apr Web. 23 January 2012.
Use correct punctuation Periods Italics Capitalization Use indents correctly Keep track of sources Check if you’re not sure Neglect to do a Works Cited Simply list URL’s Use wikipedia as a source (or any unreliable source)
Use pictures Make sure slides are readable Large enough font Dark enough font NO BIG PARAGRAPHS!!! Bullet points YOU are the presenter, not the power point