BASS ~ HUNTERS RANCH Owned/Operated by: Cody Ives
San Augustine, Tx (35 miles east of Nacogdoches) Center point along HWY 21 between Nacogdoches, TX and Lake Toledo Bend San Augustine County Equidistant from Lake Sam Rayburn and Lake Toledo Bend Located between two nationally recognized lakes Brings in anglers from Louisiana and Texas who are fishing either of the two famous lakes
Specifications Total Acreage: 2,000 acres Total surface area: 335 acres Unique 335-acre lake designed specifically for fishing Plentiful of Largemouth Bass “Catch and Release” ONLY (Black Bass) 50-boat limit is in effect with a wake/speed restriction Max depth: 30’ Reeds, Coontail, Pondweed, Hydrilla, Standing Timber, Lily pads
My plan is to manage the lake portion of this property. By stocking the lake every few years it’ll help maintain a steady population of quality fish. I plan to keep the lake stocked with Largemouth Bass, Crappie, Catfish, and Bream. Since the lake is mainly trophy bass fishery, Black Bass will be kept on a “Slot-limit” and “Catch-and-Release”management plan to instill a good gene pool and produce heavy fish. ( 16-21in. “Catch-and-Release” ) 5-bass limit One Aeration pump will be placed near the damn of the lake to keep a steady flow of oxygen into the lake. Aquatic plants will be planted for cover. A $5 fee will be required to fish the lake, unless an $100 annual pass is purchased. Jon boat rentals: $20, $2 per hour 50 boat limit Wake speed only Taxidermy replicas will be provided for anglers who catch trophy bass and/or other species Free replica for lake records
Tractor/Barn 450E Backhoe Loader With pilot-operated joystick controls, a more comfortable operator station, new extendible stick design and increased performance, the 450E lets you get more done with less effort.
Largemouth Bass/Florida strain: Stocking both bass species at a 50:50 ratio at 100 fish/acre stocking rate. ½ lb.-2lbs. Per year The stocking of both breeds will create a better, more efficient genetic’s pool Bluegill will also be stocked as a forage fish for these bass, as well as for angling purposes also. Since bluegill and bass don’t compete for the same food, this relationship will equalize itself throughout the lake. 1.Short Term goal: Sink brush piles, rocks, submerged wood. Plant coontail, reeds, lily pads, hydrilla, etc. Create points, drop-offs, humps, channels, flats, roadbeds. 1.Duration: 1 Year 2.Long Term goal: Stock bass in the spring and study the rates of Growth, Mortality, and Recruitment; three essential elements to a healthy status. After calculating the rates of Growth and Mortality, start planning for the future and set slot limits to produce a healthy population. 1.Duration: 5-12 years Management Plan: Set slot limit – (<16 in. can be kept) – (>16in. + “Catch-and-Release”) – 5-Bass limit/person
Crappie: Stocking White Crappie at 25-fish/acre will will provide for a great population. Due to the size of the lake, it will be safe to harvest bass and crappie at the same time. These two fishes will compete for the same food sources, yet a lower amount of crappie should even out the competition level. Crappie produce at a faster rate, but with less fish/acre, the population will stay maintained. Along with the stocking of crappie, shad will be stocked annually as another forage fish. Short Term goal: Sink brush piles, rocks piles, wood cover – Duration: Months Long Term goal: Wait a few years to stock crappie, at least until two spawning periods have taken place for the bass to avoid overpopulation. Over time, create a balanced relationship between bass and crappie to maintain steady populations. – Duration: 2-4 years Management Plan: Set Slot Limit – (>10” can be kept) – 10-fish limit/person
Channel Catfish: Stocking this catfish species at 50-fish/acre The stock of bream will be a great food source for these catfish…they’re also bottom-feeders, so they’ll find something to eat. These fish will be stocked at the same as the bass, because if they’re stocked at different times, they’re survival rate is very low. Catfish will help manage the small bass population; once again, equalizing all populations. Short Term goal: Place brush piles, rip-rap in certain channel throughout the lake for cover/structure. Long Term goal: Produce a healthy population of channel cat to provide anglers a great catfish fishery where a bag limit is guaranteed of skillet sized fish. Management Plan: Set slot limit – (>12 in. can be kept) – 5-fish limit/person
Sell the 50 goats at $200/goat for a $10,000 profit. Use the 50 head of cattle for keep up on the property and profit when needed. Feral hogs will be present and can be hunted on the North end of the property away from anglers. $20/person to hunt. When they’re gone, they’re gone. Mammals: Coyotes, Whitetail Deer, Coons, Skunks, Squirrels, rabbits Birds: Whitewing Dove, Owls, Red-tailed Hawks, Great Blue Herons, etc. Reptiles: Turtles, snakes, alligator to manage the lake Amphibians: Bullfrogs, other East Texas frogs Fish: Largemouth/Florida bass, Bream, Channel cat, White Crappie, shad Migratory birds: Whitewing dove
Hydrilla: This aquatic grass will be planted to provide cover for all species of fish. I can easily be controlled through annual drudging and introduction of a few grass carp in which can be killed once they’re job has been done. Reeds: This aquatic plant can be a great cover source for all species of fish. I gives anglers something to fish at. Coontail: This aquatic grass serves as a type of cover as well. Grass carp can keep it controlled, although its not as overtaking as hydrilla. Lily pads: Provides great cover for all aquatic species. It gives anglers something to fish in. All of this aquatic vegetation not only provides cover, but it also provides a plentiful food source for the forage fish of the lake.
$5 fee/boat $100 annual passes are available Fish replicas are available ranging from $100-$500 depending on size Jon boat rentals: $20/boat-$2/hour $20/hunter for hogs $550/jon boat….stock of 10 boats=$5500 Trolling motors per boat=$130 for 40 ft. lb.=$1300 Fish are bought by the hundred. So multiply acreage x fish/acre…divide by 100 – Bass=$33,500 – Catfish=$9200 – Crappie=$6700 – Grass carp=$12.50/fish…10 carp=$125 – Total: estimated $50,000 About $44,000 left over for taxes and other expenses out of original $100,000 Annual Income: $280,000/fiscal year before tax and management deductions