Fiscal Year 2016 Health Center Program Oral Health Service Expansion Competing Supplement Objective Review Committee Presentation Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA OHSE Reviewer Web Page:
Agenda 1.Overview Oral Health Service Expansion Funding Opportunity Required Outcomes Allowable Activities 2.Application Components and Review Project Narrative and Review Criteria Budget Attachments Funding Opportunity Specific Forms 3.Reviewer Website Resources and Reminders 2
Oral Health Service Expansion Overview The purpose of Oral Health Service Expansion funding is to increase access to oral health care services and improve oral health outcomes for Health Center Program patients. Applicants required to demonstrate a high level of need for oral health services in their service area, a sound proposal to meet this need, and readiness to implement the proposal within 120 days of award. Maximum award of $350,000 per year 4
Oral Health Service Expansion Required Outcomes Add at least 1.0 onsite full-time equivalent (FTE) licensed dental provider (dentist, dental hygienist, and/or dental therapist) within 120 days of award Ensure that any new sites added through this FOA are open and operational within 120 days of award Ensure that new and/or expanded oral health services are provided within 120 days of award Increase the number of oral health patients and visits by 12/31/17 Increase the percentage of health center patients who receive oral health services at the health center by 12/31/17 5
Allowable Oral Health Services Preventive Dental Services (Required) Basic dental screenings Oral health hygiene instruction and education Oral prophylaxis Oral x-rays Application of sealants and fluorides Additional Dental Services (Optional) Diagnosis and treatment of tooth ailments, including: Fillings and single unit crowns Non-surgical endodontics Extractions Periodontal therapies Bridges or dentures 6
Unallowable Activities Specialty complex dental services (e.g., oral surgery, surgical endodontics, orthodontics) Services to be provided through referral arrangements for which the health center does not pay (Form 5A, Column III) 7
Provision for New Sites and/or One-Time Funding Activities Applicants were permitted to propose the addition of new site(s) as necessary for the purpose of oral health service expansion within their current service area Applicants could request up to $150,000 in Year 1 for one-time funding activities Equipment (e.g., dental chair) Minor alteration/renovation (A/R) (e.g., reworking plumbing to accommodate dental suite) A/R can occur at new sites and/or existing sites 8
Participant Question #1 Which of the following must be proposed in the OHSE application? (Check all that apply.) A.At least 1.0 FTE licensed dental provider B.Specialty dental services C.New or expanded dental services to be provided within 120 days of award D.Increase in number of dental patients E.Increase in number of patients new to the health center F.Increase in percentage of health center patients who are dental patients 9
Question #1 Answer The following required outcomes must be proposed in the OHSE application: A.At least 1.0 FTE licensed dental provider C.New or expanded dental services to be provided within 120 days of award. (Specialty services are not an allowed use of OSHE funds) D.Increase in number of dental patients F.Increase in percentage of health center patients who are dental patients Applicants are not required to project an increase in patients that are brand new to the health center and are not able to propose specialty services. 10
Application Components Narratives/BudgetAttachmentsFunding Opportunity Specific Forms Project Abstract Project Narrative SF-424A Budget Information Form Budget Justification Narrative Att. 1: Service Area Map Att. 2: Implementation Plan Att. 3: Position Descriptions for Key Project Staff Att. 4: Biographical Sketches for Key Project Staff Att. 5: Letters of Support Att. 6: Sliding Fee Discount Schedule Att. 7: Summary of Contracts and Agreements (as applicable) Att. 8: Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (as applicable) Att. 9-15: Other Relevant Documents Form 1A: General Information Form 1B: Funding Request Form 2: Staffing Profile Form 5A: Services Provided Form5B: Service Sites (as applicable) Alteration/Renovation Forms (as applicable) Equipment List (as applicable) Clinical Performance Measures Supplemental Information Form 12
Project Narrative / Review Criteria Base the review on the Review Criteria (corresponding maximum Review Criteria points shown): Need (20 points) Response (30 points) Collaboration (15 points) Evaluative Measures (10 points) Resources/Capabilities (15 points) Support Requested (10 points) Give credit for information provided in any part of the application. Cross-reference Project Narrative, forms, and attachments. 13
Participant Question #2 TRUE or FALSE? As a reviewer, I only need to use the review criteria section in the FOA to review the application. 14
Question #2 Answer FALSE. The project narrative details the information the applicant must include to provide a comprehensive description of the proposed project and the review criteria are intended to guide reviewers in scoring the project narrative. It’s important to read and use both the project narrative and review criteria sections when reviewing and scoring the application. 15
Budget Review A maximum of $350,000 per year could be requested Required budget components: SF-424A: Budget Information Form should present the total budget for the project, including federal and non-federal costs Budget Justification Narrative should be consistent with the SF- 424A Budget Information Form and align with the proposed service delivery plan Optional one-time funding request for moveable equipment and/or minor alteration/renovation Allowed in Year 1 only A maximum of $150,000 of the $350,000 16
Attachment List Attachment 1: Service Area Map (required) Attachment 2: Implementation Plan (required) Attachment 3: Position Descriptions for Key Project Staff (required) Attachment 4: Biographical Sketches for Key Project Staff (required) Attachment 5: Letters of Support (required) Attachment 6: Sliding Fee Discount Schedule (required) Attachment 7: Summary of Contracts and Agreements (as applicable) Attachment 8: Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (as applicable) Attachments 9-15: Other Relevant Documents (as applicable) 17
Attachment 2: Implementation Plan Action steps must demonstrate that all 120-day requirements will be met: Add at least 1.0 new onsite FTE licensed oral health provider Begin the proposed new and/or expanded oral health services Open each new proposed site, as applicable Initiate proposed equipment purchases and/or alteration/renovation activities, as applicable Each of the objectives must include: Key Action Steps Person/Area Responsible Time Frame Appendix B of the FOA provides detailed requirements for the Implementation Plan 18
Funding Opportunity Specific Forms Form 1A: General Information Worksheet (required) Form 1B: BPHC Funding Request Summary (required) Form 2: Staffing Profile (required) Form 5A: Services Provided (required) Form 5B: Service Sites (as applicable) Alteration/Renovation Forms (as applicable) Equipment List Form (as applicable) Clinical Performance Measures Form (required) Supplemental Information Form (required) 19
Form 1A: General Information Worksheet Patients and Visits by Service Type Baseline data for Dental Services patients and visits are prepopulated from the 2014 UDS report (baselines at zero are appropriate for new health centers) Applicants projected an increase in the number of dental patients and visits anticipated for the calendar year ending December 31, 2017 Services other than dental marked N/A on this form Unduplicated Patients and Visits by Population Type Applicants required to project the number of patients completely new to the health center who are projected to receive services in 2017 as a result of OHSE funding (and corresponding visits) Projected new patients may be zero if the project is focused on expanding dental services to existing health center patients Baselines all marked N/A 20
Form 1B: BPHC Funding Request Summary Indicates whether applicant is proposing to add a new site and/or to use one-time funding for equipment and/or alternation/renovation Applicants were permitted to do either, both, or neither 21
Form 5B: Service Sites If proposing to add a new site to scope, applicants were required to complete Form 5B Permanent sites and/or mobile vans were acceptable For new sites, next to the site name on Form 5B, if the site is a new proposed site in this application, the form will indicate: For sites already in scope, applicants used Form 5B to identify the site where A/R will occur and the form will indicate: 22
One-Time Funding Forms for Alteration/Renovation or Equipment Applicants requesting one-time funding for alteration and renovation were required to complete: Alteration/Renovation Project Cover Page Other Requirements for Sites Environmental Information and Documentation Checklist Alteration/Renovation Budget Justification Schematic Drawings Landlord Letter of Consent (as applicable) Applicants requesting one-time funding for equipment were required to complete: Equipment List 23
Clinical Performance Measures Form Current oral health measures were prepopulated and not editable Some applicants may have blank forms for the dental sealant measure 24
Supplemental Information Form Sections 1 and 2 25
Supplemental Information Form Section 3 Applicant with 2014 UDS baseline data prepopulated: Newly funded health center with no 2014 UDS baseline data: 26
Participant Question #3 A reviewer must check the following application components for demonstration of compliance with the OHSE funding requirements: A.The Project Narrative B.The Forms C.The Attachments D.All of the Above 27
Question #3 Answer A reviewer must check all the following application components for demonstration of compliance with the program requirements: A.The Project Narrative B.The Forms C.The Attachments 28
Reviewer Website Materials OHSE Funding Opportunity Announcement Side by Side of Project Narrative and Review Criteria HRSA Scoring Rubric Sample Summary Statements OHSE Frequently Asked Questions OHSE Application TA Website: /oralhealth/index.html 30
HRSA Scoring Rubric Total Point Value for a Review Criterion Outstanding Very Good Very Good Satisfactory Marginal Poor Poor Outstanding: All elements are clearly addressed, well conceived, thoroughly developed, and well supported. Documentation and required information are specific and comprehensive. Very Good: Elements are clearly addressed with necessary detail and adequate support. Most documentation and required information are specific and sufficient. 31
HRSA Scoring Rubric continued Satisfactory: Elements are addressed, although some do not contain necessary detail and/or support. Most documentation and required information are present and acceptable. Marginal: Some elements are not addressed, and those addressed do not contain necessary detail and/or support. Some documentation and required information are missing or deficient. Poor: Few, if any, elements are addressed. Documentation and required information are deficient or omitted. Weaknesses identified will likely have substantial effect on the applicant’s proposed project. 32
Summary Statements For each review section, provide a numeric score and corresponding strengths and weaknesses Sample summary statement with strengths and weaknesses on reviewer website Strengths and weaknesses need to be accurate and provide value to the applicant as feedback 33
Participant Question #4 If the application proposes a staffing plan that is described inconsistently throughout the application (e.g., in some places it appears that 1.5 FTE dental providers will be hired and in other places it appears only.75 FTE dental providers will be hired), I should: A.Assume that 1.5 FTE dental providers will be hired B.Write a weakness regarding the inconsistent information and compliance with the 1.0 FTE requirement C.Score accordingly D.Both B and C 34
Question #4 Answer If the application proposes a staffing plan that is described inconsistently throughout the application (e.g., in some places it appears that 1.5 FTE dental providers will be hired and in other places it appears only.75 FTE dental providers will be hired), I should: B.Write a weakness regarding the inconsistent information and compliance with the 1.0 FTE requirement C.Score accordingly 35
The 3 C’s 36 Continuity: Does the application make logical connections between the narratives, attachments, and forms? Consistency: Does the application present consistent information across the narratives, attachments, and forms? Clarity: Does the application present a clear project with realistic goals designed to meet the stated needs?
Important Reminders: Know the FOA and OHSE program requirements. Base your score on the Review Criteria. Substantiate your score with specific strengths and weaknesses. Do not hesitate to ask HRSA staff to clarify FOA instructions, program requirements, and review criteria as needed. Your effort is appreciated. THANK YOU! 37