Stroke i Finnmark, Norge 1998 Riskfaktorer, Klinisk bild, Ettårsuppföljning av förstagångsattacker Fjernundervisning 30. April 2002 Sven-Mårten Samuelsson, avd. overlege, prof Avd. for fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering, Kirkenes sykehus, Universitetet i Tromsø
County of Finnmark Population ~ Inhabitants Municipalities 19
Life Expectancy at Birth in Norway Range Norway
Purpose Stroke Register Population-based Incidence 28-Day Case-Fatality Rate and One-Year Survival Clinical Database - Treatment - at the Acute Stage - Functional Outcome - after 3 and 12 Months - Risk Factors - Medical History
Methods From April 1998 Registration of New Events of Stroke in Finnmark - ’Hot pursuit’ – Registration during Hospitalisation at the Hospitals of Hammerfest and Kirkenes - Contact with Other Hospitals - Postal Contacts with District Physicians - Population Statistics Follow-up - Postal Questionnaires - Phone Calls
Data collected Personal Data, Ethnicity, Job History, Medical History, Smoking, Alcohol Use Clinical Data Data Needed for Classification: CT Scan etc. Scales: Rankin, Scandinavian Stroke Scale, Barthel ADL Scale Frenchay, Life Quality, Burden of Relatives
Classification Subtype of Stroke - Subarachnoidal Haemorrhage - Intracerebral Haemorrhage - Cerebral Infarction OSCP-Classification
Registered Events April 1998 – March 1999 First-ever Strokes (n) 141 (75%) Men (n) 75 (53%) Women (n) 66 (47%) Recurrent Strokes (n) 48 (25%) Total (n) 189 Other Conditions (n) 133 (TIA, suspected but not verified stroke etc)
Classification First-ever Strokes Recurrent Strokes Total % Subarachnoidal Haemorrhage Intracerebral Haemorrhage Cerebral Infarction Unspecified Total
Some Risk Factors (First-ever Strokes)
Smoking Habits (First-ever Strokes)
Obesitas + Alkohol + Inaktivitet Statens helseundersøkelser av åringer, Finnmark Menn Kvinner BMI 26,5 25,2 Høyest i Finnmark Bruk av alkohol 2,7 l/år 1,3 l/år Nest høyest i Finnmark etter Akershus Fysisk inaktive 21% 28% (I fylkene 20-29% 24-36%)
Sickness Pension before Onset of Stroke % Mean Age (Range) Men (16-69) Women (38-65)
Contact < 3 Hours With a physician 57.0% With a hospital 27.1%
To Hospital < 3 Hours Municipality n % Hammerfest Loppa 5 20 Porsanger 7 43 Måsøy 6 17 Tana 6 33 Nordkapp 6 17 Vardø 6 33 Vadsø 9 11 Sør-Varanger Nesseby 2 - Kvalsund 7 29 Berlevåg 1 - Båtsfjord 4 25 Gamvik 1 - Lebesby 4 25 Karasjok 1 - Alta Hasvik - - Kautokeino 5 20
Age at Onset of First-ever Stroke Mean Median Men 67.1 (24-91) 69.9 Women 75.0 (41-95) 77.7
Initial Hospital Stay ( Days) Mean Median Men 13.4 (0-64) 10.0 Women 12.9 (0-44) 10.5
Complications (%) during the Initial Inhospital Stay Urinary tract infection 23.9 Recurrence of stroke 2.1 Urinary incontinence 22.5 Fracture 1.4 Pneumonia 13.4 Urin. outlet obstruct. 1.4 Heart failure 9.9 Limb contractures 1.4 Other types of infection 8.5 Pressure sores 0.7 Atrial fibrillation 4.9 Deep venous throm- Pain in paretic shoulder 3.5 bosis/pulm. embol. -
Men (n=74) % Women (n=66) % Total (n=140) % Home Dept. of Rehab Other Type of Rehab. Care Service Flat Nursing Home Dead Destination at Discharge (First-ever Strokes)
Course According to Rankin Scale First-ever Strokes (n = 141)
Course According to Rankin Scale First-ever Strokes (n = 141)
MenWomen pMean/MedianMin-Max Before admittance 19.8/2018.4/ At admittance 12.1/178.9/ After 3 months 17.5/2012.9/16< After 12 months 17.8/2015.4/ Barthel ADL Index in Men and Women
Barthel ADL Index ( Mean Score)
Fatality Rate (%) At Discharge 12.1 At 28 Days 13.4 At 3 Months 17.0 At 12 Months 24.1
Severity at Onset Fatality Rate at l2 Months (Rankin Scale) % Slight (n=46) 10.9 Moderate (n=23) 26.1 Severe (n=72) 31.9 Fatality Rate (%) at 12 Months in Relation to Severity at Onset
Rankin Scale at onset Rankin Scale at 12 months Dead Better No diff Worse Slight (n=46) Moderate (n=23) Severe (n=35) Very severe (n=37) Severity at Follow-up Compared to Onset
Regional hosp Other hosp Rehab depart Nursing home Days Pat. Days Pat. Days Pat. Days Pat. n % n % n % n % At acute stage After acute stage < 3 months < 12 months Acute + < 12 months Days in Hospitals (n) and Nursing Homes (n) at the Acute Stage and within 3 and 12 Months (Pat. = proportion of patients, %)
Conclusions 1 Population-Based Study 141 Events of First-Ever Stroke in Finnmark in 1998 Only 27% to Hospital within 3 Hours
Conclusions 2 Mean Age at Onset Men: 67 years, Women: 75 years Sickness Pension before the Stroke Men: 48%, Women: 42% Very High Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
Conclusions 3 Severe Attacks 51% at Onset Complications, especially Urinary Tract Infections, are Numerous Some Complications are probably Underestimated Primary Outcome: 47% at Home, 9% further Rehabilitation, 31% Nursing Home, 12% Fatal
Conclusions 4 Outcome Worse in Women and in Higher Age Groups Fatality Rate at 12 Months: 24% Fatality Rate at 12 Months is related to Severity at Onset 50% of Survivors have Improved after 12 Months