An Inter-Professional Education Delirium Simulation Pilot Project Heather S. Anderson, MD 1, Daniel L. Swagerty, MD, MPH 1, Mary Meyer, RN, MSN, ARNP-BC 2 University of Kansas School of Medicine 1, University of Kansas School of Nursing 2 Summary and Conclusions Inter-professional education (IPE) is increasingly being recognized as a potential means to improve medical education and patient outcomes. A weakness in neurology education at KU School of Medicine is in the evaluation of delirium patients, and a weakness in KU School of Nursing education is in the treatment of agitated patients. To address these weaknesses, an IPE delirium simulation pilot project was developed to improve delirium evaluation and treatment for third-year medical students and nursing students. Delirium knowledge improved through use of both IPE delirium simulation and web module of the topic Post-test scores between the two curricula were not significantly different The IPE delirium simulation was not effective in improving end-of-third year Clinical Skills Assessment, however, attitudes of students towards teams in training improved through the use of the IPE delirium simulation Therefore, the IPE delirium simulation appears to be an effective means of improving delirium knowledge and attitudes towards teams in training * This pilot project served as preliminary data for a successful Reynold’s Foundation Next Steps grant application. This study was funded by the University of Kansas Medical Alumni Innovative Teaching Fund. o Recruited for this study 30 students enrolled in third-year Neurology Clerkship 15 volunteer third-semester nursing students o Medical students were randomized to either Web module only delirium education 1 Web module delirium education 1 + IPE simulation o Developed IPE delirium simulation script, based upon second-year dementia assessment simulation o Medical/nursing student pair evaluate and treat an agitated delirium patient for 20 minutes, then 20 minute debriefing o Pre- and post-testing KidSIM 2 administered to IPE students Delirium Survey administered to all students on Neurology Clerkship o End of third year Clinical Skills Assessment Comparison of Students Assess the impact of an inter-professional delirium simulation experience on o Attitudes of medical and nursing students towards teams in training o Medical students’ knowledge of delirium and its causes and treatment o Medical students’ performance on Clinical Skills Assessment clinical encounter at the end of third-year IPE + web module Web module only p-value # of students1516 Matriculation age p=0.215 Basic Science GPA p=0.728 Step 1 – Initial Score p=0.312 IPE + web module p-value Web module p-value KidSIM pre-test138 p<0.001 KidSIM post-test146 Delirium Survey pre-test84.6% p= % p=0.35 Delirium Survey post-test88.5%85.3% CSA History70%77%p=0.5 CSA Physical Exam11%12%p=0.9 CSA Interpersonal Comm61%64%p=0.9 Methods Abstract Objectives 1 2 Sigalet E, et al Simulation Summit; Montreal, 2011:31 Background of Case Ida Mae Homer is an 80 year-old woman with a 10-year history of Alzheimer’s disease. Her granddaughter has been caring for her for the last 5 days while her daughter (the primary caregiver) is out of town. She is brought into the ED for increasing confusion, agitation, and insomnia. Acknowledgements References Results