Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum Dr. Edward M. Reeve Professor Utah State University
Introduction To live and work in the 21st century, students must have the opportunity to obtain a global technological literacy (i.e., a knowledge about technology around the world).
Introduction Students who possess a global understanding of technology become better informed citizens and consumers who understand how technology may affect a country’s social, political, economic, and environmental structures.
Introduction The purpose of this presentation is to provide various suggestions and strategies that may be used by technology education teachers to help them in internationalizing their curriculum.
This paper is presented from a United States of America (USA) perspective. However, many of the suggestions and strategies presented can be adapted and placed into local contexts by technology education teachers from around the world.
TERMINOLOGY Setting a Context for the Presentation!
Curriculum A curriculum provides the specific details on how content is to be delivered, including organization, balance and the various ways of presenting the content in the laboratory or classroom.
Technology Technology involves modifying the natural world to make it a better place to live and work.
Technology Technology uses technological equipment, skills, tools, and knowledge to solve problems and extend human capabilities.
Technology Education Students learn about technology in a school subject called Technology Education.
Technology Education It is a school subject for all students that teaches them about the human-made world and how it impacts their daily lives. Around the world, technology exists in many different forms and is often dictated by the needs of society.
The Goal of Technology Education is Technical Literacy Technological Literacy is the ability to use, manage, assess, and understand technology.
Promoting Technology Education The content for the study of Technology Education is promoted in the Standards for Technological Literacy: Content for the Study of Technology (STL) 2000/2002
Promoting Technology Education & Moving the STL Forward 2003 Advancing Excellence in Technological Literacy: Student Assessment, Professional Development, and Program Standards
International Education International education recognizes international dimensions and activities such as: Study and Work Abroad Foreign Language Study Area Studies International Studies International Development Activities Joint Degree Programs Comparative Studies
Internationalization To bring an international or global perspective to the topic or concept being studied. A curriculum that is internationalized provides students with a view of the world.
Global & Globalization The terms are often used in political and business settings and pertain to happenings in the world. Global Health The Global Economy Global Warming
Technology is shaping and driving our world! Students enrolled in a technology education curriculum must be exposed to the role and impacts of technology on a global scale.
The World is Flat! Technology and hi-tech telecommunications have removed impediments to international competition. Flat means connected! In a flat world more people can collaborate and compete, share knowledge and share work.
The USA, like many countries, depends on technology to maintain the health of its citizens, the safety of its borders, the strength of its economy, and the smooth functioning of its government. Today’s students need to be technologically literate about our world!
A global perspective of technology is promoted in the Standards for Technological Literacy and can be achieved through Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum.
Examples of topics and concepts presented in the STL that relate to student’s need for a global perspective of technology: International Standards Organization (ISO) Sharing technological knowledge to improve a country’s quality of life.
Examples of topics and concepts presented in the STL that relate to student’s need for a global perspective of technology: The global effects of technology on people. Technology’s influence on the global economy.
Examples of topics and concepts presented in the STL that relate to student’s need for a global perspective of technology: Technological decisions can have global impacts. Manufacturing exists on a global scale. Made in China Made in India
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum Internationalizing the curriculum means providing students with opportunities to learn about technology around the world, including information related to its history, current use, and its impacts on society.
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum An internationalized technology education curriculum can help students clear up misunderstandings they may have about the use or impacts of technology in other parts of the world.
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum One of the most important factors to internationalizing the technology education curriculum is a commitment by the teacher to internationalize.
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum Another important factor is support and encouragement from administrators who value, reward, and realize the benefits gained from internationalizing the curriculum.
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum: Suggestions and Strategies Become Professionally Involved Join and become active in a professional organization or association related to your discipline (e.g., International Technology Education Association – ITEA) and get involved in their international activities. -Present at International Conferences -Network with International Colleagues -Become involved in International Learning Communities.
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum: Suggestions and Strategies Travel Internationally Travel internationally and share your experiences with your students. Develop activities and experiences (e.g., using the metric system) that present an international dimension.
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum: Suggestions and Strategies Travel Internationally Participate in teacher exchange programs (e.g., Fulbright) or international service projects (e.g., Habitat for Humanity or Engineers without Borders).
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum: Suggestions and Strategies Study Abroad Develop and/or lead a study abroad program for students. Partner with other school programs (e.g., language) or other schools. Encourage students who do go on study abroad to complete technology education activities (e.g., students could study how the country’s transportation systems effect the environment).
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum: Suggestions and Strategies Provide an International Perspective to the Technology Education Classroom Develop International School-to-School Partnerships Using the Internet, students can contact students in other areas of the world to share information about their cultures, technologies, or collaborate on a project.
Connecting With Other Classrooms Around the World
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum: Suggestions and Strategies Provide International Perspective to the Technology Education Classroom Invite International Guest Speakers to the Classroom The speaker should be encouraged to discuss their culture and how technology influences their society
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum: Suggestions and Strategies Provide an International Perspective to the Technology Education Classroom Attend Local Cultural Events to Learn More about Our World
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum: Suggestions and Strategies Providing an International Perspective to the Technology Education Classroom Participate in Virtual Field Trips Thanks to the power of the Internet, students can explore and learn about technology from around the world.
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum: Suggestions and Strategies Providing an International Perspective to the Technology Education Classroom Develop an International Classroom Atmosphere Showcase the Use of Technology Around the World! Energy Transportation
Internationalizing the Technology Education Curriculum: Suggestions and Strategies Providing an International Perspective to the Technology Education Classroom Develop Activities and Experiences that Offer an International Perspective This Russian was o ne of aviation's greatest designers and is best known for his Helicopter Designs. Who was he? Igor Sikorsky
All Students must be prepared for a global future, complete with language skills, cultural understanding, the ability to use technology and a desire to work with colleagues around the world.
Summary Technology education teachers must take the challenge of providing their students with international perspectives of technology.
Summary Through internationalizing the technology education curriculum, teachers can ensure that their students are adequately prepared to live and work in today’s global society.
The End