Digestive Disorders Esophageal Disorders
Esophagus The organ which moves food from the pharynx to the stomach Moves food through the process of peristalsis (muscle contractions)
Esophagus ©
Cancer of the Esophagus Begins in the inner layer of the esophagus Usually asymptomatic until the cancer is advanced
Symptoms May Include: Dysphagia: Difficulty with swallowing Unintentional weight loss Pain Hoarseness or bleeding
Contributing Risk Factors Heavy alcohol use Tobacco use Chronic acid reflux Occurs when stomach acids move up into the esophagus and damage the cells
Acid Reflux Also known as acid reflux or GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) Occurs when stomach contents and acid regurgitates into the esophagus The liquid cause inflammation of the lining
Acid Reflux ©
Causes of Acid Reflux Unknown specific causes Lifestyle Diet Medications Other medical conditions such as hiatal hernia, diabetes, pregnancy
Treatment Change in lifestyle Medications Surgery
Hiatal Hernia Hiatus: opening in the diaphragm Esophagus goes through the hiatus to the stomach
Hiatal Hernia Hernia: any time an internal body part pushes into an area where it doesn’t belong Hiatal hernia: stomach bulges up into the chest through a hole in the diaphragm
Hiatal Hernia
Causes Not usually known Person may be born with a weak hiatus May form after injury
Treatment Many people do not have severe symptoms and do not need treatment Some people treat it with medications (to assist with reflux symptoms) Surgery for severe cases