“What is the value of audience to technical communicators?: A Survey of Audience Research Essay by Rob Houser. Presentation by Andrew Dubel. Essay by Rob Houser. Presentation by Andrew Dubel.
Introduction Definition of audience. History of rhetoric as it relates to audience. Relationship between technical communications with audience. Becoming user centered. Improving design. The future of audience. Conclusion. Definition of audience. History of rhetoric as it relates to audience. Relationship between technical communications with audience. Becoming user centered. Improving design. The future of audience. Conclusion.
Defining Audience. Audience is the real people using the document. Audience is the imagined users of the the document. Audience is the real people using the document. Audience is the imagined users of the the document.
Classical Rhetoric Audience was central to classical rhetoric. Audience was one of three pillars which Aristotle built rhetoric on. He focused on real audiences and there relationships with documents. Audience was central to classical rhetoric. Audience was one of three pillars which Aristotle built rhetoric on. He focused on real audiences and there relationships with documents.
New Rhetoric Audience fell by the wayside. Form and style were given increasing importance. If the correct form and style were used the audience would have to respond positively. Audience fell by the wayside. Form and style were given increasing importance. If the correct form and style were used the audience would have to respond positively.
Expressivist Rhetoric A move away from the rule based New Rhetoric. The writer own relationship with the document was the most important. If it was true to the writers self then it would be read. Writing is art. A move away from the rule based New Rhetoric. The writer own relationship with the document was the most important. If it was true to the writers self then it would be read. Writing is art.
Neo-Classical Rhetoric Returned the audience to prominence. Explored the relationships between the real audience and the imaginary audience. Returned the audience to prominence. Explored the relationships between the real audience and the imaginary audience.
Technical Communications Audience is key to design. Audience demographic was focused on in the 60’s and 70’s. Organization was the focused on in the 80’s and 90’s In this time social and culture aspects of the relationship of the writers and readers had with the document was researched. Audience is key to design. Audience demographic was focused on in the 60’s and 70’s. Organization was the focused on in the 80’s and 90’s In this time social and culture aspects of the relationship of the writers and readers had with the document was researched.
Technical Communications Modern Design uses feedback methods. Design starts with an imaginary audience. Feed back interacting with a real audience allows for the imaginary audience to to be revised. With this new imaginary audience the document can be revised. Modern Design uses feedback methods. Design starts with an imaginary audience. Feed back interacting with a real audience allows for the imaginary audience to to be revised. With this new imaginary audience the document can be revised.
Improving Design This feed back method can be used to improve document design. The knowledge gained from this process is often applicable in other areas of writing. This feed back method can be used to improve document design. The knowledge gained from this process is often applicable in other areas of writing.
Becoming user centered Frequent interaction with the real audience is required to remain focused on there needs. Experience from these interactions can be used in other domains. Frequent interaction with the real audience is required to remain focused on there needs. Experience from these interactions can be used in other domains.
The future of audience. Future studies of audience should be based in a understanding of previous tests. These studies should be available so that one can create there own theories of audience. Future studies of audience should be based in a understanding of previous tests. These studies should be available so that one can create there own theories of audience.
Conclusion The questions “how do we learn more about audience?” and “what is audience?” have been answered. This leaves other questions “What is our relationship to audience?” “What is our reasonability to audience?” How do we apply what we learn with a real audience to the imagery audience? The questions “how do we learn more about audience?” and “what is audience?” have been answered. This leaves other questions “What is our relationship to audience?” “What is our reasonability to audience?” How do we apply what we learn with a real audience to the imagery audience?