SAT PREP CLASS Wednesday March 2 nd 2016 You will learn the following tonight: Changes to the test Scoring the test Command of Evidence Words in context
How is the SAT changing this year? Structure OLD TEST 3 Critical Reading sections minutes each 3 Math sections minutes each 3 Writing sections minutes each Includes 1 Essay test (25 minutes) 1 Experimental test 5 answer choices for multiple-choice questions NEW TEST 1 Evidence-Based Reading and Writing test 65-minute Reading section 35-minute Language and Writing section 1 Math test 55-minute section with calculator 25-minute section without calculator 1 Essay test (optional) - 50 minutes 4 answer choices for multiple choice questions
How is the SAT changing this year? Timing OLD TEST 3 hours 45 minutes NEW TEST o 3 hours; 3 hours 50 minutes with optional essay
How is the SAT changing this year? Administration OLD TEST Only available in print Focused on broad range of content and skills NEW TEST Available in print and digitally* Fewer questions with a greater focus on in-depth analysis of content and evidence
How is the SAT changing this year? Essay OLD TEST Essay is required Students have 25 minutes to draft a response Quality of reasoning and accuracy of data not tested Score combined with multiple-choice Writing section NEW TEST Essay is optional Students have 50 minutes to analyze a word document and draft an essay Tests reading, analysis, and writing skills; requires students to analyze a source document and explain how the author builds an argument Facts matter Scored separately
How is the SAT changing this year? Reading & Writing OLD TEST Critical Reading Sentence Completions Passage-based questions Passage-based questions from short ( words) and long ( words) passages Writing Combined score of writing multiple- choice questions and Essay NEW TEST Evidence-Based Reading No Sentence Completions Tests understanding of passages from U.S. and World Literature, History/Social Studies, and Sciences ( words) Writing and Language Tests "Expression of Ideas" and "Standard English Conventions" through passages relating to Careers, History/Social Studies, Humanities, and Science All questions pull from extended prose ( words)
Scoring of the test Total Score The sum of the two Section scores–Math score + Evidence- Based Reading & Writing score The Essay score will be reported separately and is not a part of the Total Score Section Score There are two Section scores – one for Math and one for Evidence-Based Reading & Writing The Essay score is scored separately and not included in either Section score Essay6-24 The Essay will have three scores – Reading, Writing, and Analysis, each scored between 2 and 8.
About the Reading section Answering questions about what is stated and what is implied by the text. Questions that deal with information and ideas. Questions that ask about structure, purpose, and craft of writing. Questions that ask you to make connections
About the Reading Passages Genre- informational & literary texts (may include literary elements Purpose- can be informational, entertaining, or argumentative Subject- U.S. & World Literature, social studies, or science Complexity- varied levels of difficulty Paired passages- two passages that are related somehow Informational Graphics- can contain tables, charts, graphs
Reading Questions INFORMATION & IDEAS o Locate stated information o Make reasonable inferences o Apply what you’ve read to a similar situation o Choose the best evidence o Determine central ideas & themes o Summarize important information o Understand relationships (cause & effect, compare/ contrast, sequential)
Reading Questions RHETORIC o How the author puts together the text o How various pieces contribute to the whole text o How author’s word choice shapes meaning, tone, & style o How text is structured o Understand author’s point of view & purpose o Persuasive devices in the text
Reading Questions SYNTHESIS Draw connections between a pair of passages Draw conclusions based on graphic & a passage
Practice Reading Questions 1. Content: Rhetoric6. Content: Info. & Ideas Answer: BAnswer: C 2. Content: Information & Ideas7. Content: Rhetoric Answer: BAnswer: A 3. Content: Synthesis8. Content: Info. & IdeasAnswer: C 4. Content: Rhetoric9. Content: Info. & Ideas Answer: AAnswer: C 5. Content: Rhetoric10. Content: Info. & Ideas Answer: AAnswer: D
Practice Reading Questions 11. Content: Information & Ideas Answer: C 12. Content: Information & Ideas Answer: B 13. Rhetoric Answer: B ***Additional passages located on pages with explanations***