Lesson 12 – Ending Slavery in the Modern World
Aims Check SWBAT create a plan to eliminate modern slavery from existence.
Your Task In a group of 1-3 people, please come up with a plan to eliminate modern day slavery. You will have the whole class to research and create a position poster/position paper/insert your idea here that outlines your plan: You can show your work in any form you wish – poster, write a play, write a paper, write an instruction manual, write a children’s book – whatever you think will best work for the research that you have done.
Requirements 1. Research and take notes on: (1 page of notes per idea) A. Definition of modern slavery B. Where slavery exists (perhaps you want to focus on one place) C. Plans that already exist in the world to eliminate slavery D. A summary for each page of notes 2. Research programs that are already in place (see resources on the next slide for assistance) 3. Develop a plan to get rid of slavery in the world. Make sure your plan is realistic and something that could truly happen. 4. Produce something (see previous slide) that shows your plan.
Final Project 1. A map with data of your region of focus. How many slaves are there? Where do the slaves come from? What work are they doing? 2. A step-by-step plan to get rid of slavery in that area. This must be something that is actually possible. 3. History of slavery in that area, possible sharing real-life stories of people going through it. 4. Can be a poster, booklet, Powerpoint, children’s book, textbook chapter format, graphic organizer.
Helpful Sites CNN Freedom Project ree-voices-how-to-end-modern-day-slavery/ ree-voices-how-to-end-modern-day-slavery/ Free The Slaves Christian Science Monitor – How to End Slavery difference/Change-Agent/2013/1206/How-to-end-modern- slavery difference/Change-Agent/2013/1206/How-to-end-modern- slavery