Spring 2014 FCAT CBT FCAT Test Administrator Training April 2, 2014
Agenda Important Dates What’s New & Reminders Test Security Who is Tested Accommodations ePAT Test Administrator Responsibiliesties Invalidations Questions 2
Administration Dates EVENTDATESCOMMENTS Grade 6 Math Grades 6, 7 Reading Grade 8 Reading April 14–15 April April Tests consist of 2 sessions that are 70 minutes each. Make up sessions will be scheduled between test dates. 3
Materials and Forms For each student: Student Authorization Ticket (secure item) Reference Sheet and Work Folder for Math (FCAT 6 th grade) Worksheet for Reading – new one each session Pencil Forms (Appendix D of manual) Security Forms Classroom Signs Test Administrator Checklist Math Reference Sheet CBT Worksheet (Reading) Required Administration Information Forms (Roster will be provided.) Group Code (Will be provided.) Seating Chart Form (Copy provided.)
What’s New? CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide is no longer in the Test Administration Manual Test administrators should use this reference document for addressing TestNav and TestHear errors during testing One provided to each lab during testing (included with hand outs) 5
What’s New? District Decision: Math Reference Sheet must be given to each student for math CBT. Reference sheets are to be returned and considered as secure materials. District Decision: CBT Worksheets must be given to students taking Reading sessions. A new sheet must be provided for session 2. Used worksheets are secure materials. 6
Reminders All test administrators MUST be certified educators or licensed professionals includes temporary certifications for new teachers and certified substitute teachers All test administrators and proctors must sign the Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Form as well as the Security Agreement Form prior to testing Students may not have any electronic or recording devices at their desks, in their pockets, or anywhere they can reach them during testing, including during breaks, even if the devices are turned off or the students do not use them If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic device(s) during testing, his or her test MUST be invalidated 7
Reminders Students taking the CBT must check a box indicating they understand the test rules read (in script) and that if they do not adhere to the rules their test will not be scored The last portion of the testing rules read to students before they affirm the Testing Rules Acknowledgment reads, “After the test, you may not discuss the test items with anyone. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, ing, or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found sharing information about test items, even without the intent to cheat, your test will be invalidated.” If a student refuses to check the box, test administrator should contact test coordinator and reschedule student into another session. 8
Reminders A Group Code must be assigned to each group of students testing. 6001,6002, etc. You will be assigned a group code and students will be instructed to enter the code. The same group code must be used for session 1 and session 2 for that group of students. Each student must complete session 1 before starting session 2. Students will use the same Student Authorization Ticket for both sessions of FCAT
Reminders Students participating in FCAT 2.0 Reading and 6 FCAT 2.0 Math must enter a Seal Code to open Session 2. o Seal Code is a 4-digit number that will be provided to you. o all students in a test session will use the same seal code o Do Not confuse Seal Code with Group Code o Reading the script verbatim will direct the students to enter these codes at the appropriate time. 10
Reminders A Florida Computer-Based Testing Work Folder is provided for FCAT 2.0 Math (6 th grade) in which students may work their problems. Students may have more than one folder if needed. Used folders are secure items. All folders must be returned used or unused. 11
Test Security and Forms 12
Security Agreement Form Appendix C (FCAT) Must be signed by School Principal School Test Coordinator Test Administrators Proctors Anyone handling test materials
Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement Appendix C (FCAT) Must be signed prior to testing by Test Administrators Proctors Must include teacher certificate or professional license number for Test Administrators
Security Log Appendix C Must be completed by everyone who enters room for purpose of administering or monitoring test
Seating Charts A seating chart must be maintained for each test session. If student seating changes during or between sessions, a new seating chart must be made. Use forms provided or create own forms. Seating Charts must include: Test Subject and Session Number Test date and test start time Room number Test Group Code number Test Administrator and Proctor names/location in room Student names/locations Front and back of room Direction students are facing
Required Administration Information Forms Track students, materials, attendance, accommodations Use the Session Roster : RAI is used for each test session, including make-up sessions, or Must be signed by Test Administrator and School Coordinator
Student Authorization Tickets Student Authorization Tickets Session/Test/Location Student Name Date of Birth Student ID Student Signature Line URL Login ID Test Code (password) For FCAT 2.0 students will use the same ticket for both days of the test Students need a pencil or pen to sign their tickets 18
Who Can Proctor? Proctor is the person assisting in the room but does not read script, answer student questions, etc. School Personnel Can handle and assist with test materials and can monitor test session Non-School Personnel VIPs or other non-paid volunteers Cannot handle test materials but can help monitor student activity during test session All Test Administrators and Proctors must be trained in both security guidelines and testing protocol, and must sign Security Agreement and Prohibited Activities forms Test administrators and Proctors cannot be in test room with students related to them UCF Interns – cannot be used in any capacity for FCAT or EOC Testing
Test Security Procedures Keep test materials in locked storage when not in use before and after testing. May not be left in classroom during breaks or overnight Report Missing Materials, Breaches of Test Security, Testing Irregularities to Mary Chavers or Brent Ougel immediately. Mary Chavers Brent Ougel 31315
Secure Materials Student Authorization Tickets and Session Rosters CBT Worksheets CBT Work Folder Math Reference Sheets 21
Who is tested? 22
Who is tested All students are expected to take FCAT 2.0 except FAA FLVS FLVS FT will enter students into PearsonAccess, set up test sessions, provide district with session rosters, authorization tickets, seal codes, and will monitor testing Hospital/Homebound Students: Most Hospital/Homebound students will test with paper tests - to be provided to schools If a student wants to test via computer, they will receive permission through Hospital/Homebound, and their test designtion in PearsonAccess will be changed by H/H. School administering test will be given access to H/H site in PearsonAccess to set up test sessions, print session rosters and authorization tickets, seal codes, and monitor testing Home Ed or McKay Students: School administering test will be given access to Home Ed and McKay school sites in PearsonAccess to set up test sessions, print authorization tickets, session rosters, seal codes, and monitor testing Home Ed students will be hand-entered into PearsonAccess by Home Ed Department McKay will be hand-entered into PearsonAccess by Colleen
Accommodations for ESE/504/ELL 24
Accommodations (Page 191) Please mark only accommodations used by the student on the roster. Review these on pages ESE/504 Accommodations FP - Flexible Presentation FR – Flexible Responding FSC – Flexible Scheduling ( ex. extended time) FSE – Flexible Setting AD – Assistive Devices ELL Accommodations FSC – Flexible Scheduling ( ex. Extended time) FSE – Flexible Setting AHL – Assistance in Heritage Language ADI – Approved Dictionary Questions for ESE students please contact Ms. Callovi Questions for 504 please contact Mr. Ougel (6 th grade A-L and all 8 th ) Questions for 504 please contact Mrs. Durand (6 th grade M-Z and all 7 th ) Questions for ELL contact Ms. Ramos or Ms. Gonzalez 31317
ePAT 26
Practice Test PRACTICE TESTS Students are required to participate in a practice test at the school using the script provided in the CBT and/or EOC test administration manual Practice test is delivered using an ePAT and must be administered at the school ePAT is available for students to practice on their own if given URL Purpose is to familiarize students with layout of test and using tools May be used until day prior to test 27
CBT Online Tools 28
Test Administrator Responsibilities 29
Before Testing Test Administratpr’s Responsibilities before testing (Pages 19 – 25) Prep room for testing Have required forms ready (RAI, Seating Chart, Authorization Tickets, etc.) Computers ready for students (screens opened to student login – this is crucial) Have materials ready for students (reference sheets, worksheets, work folders, pencils) Manuals (review before testing) Group code, seal code (4-digits used to open session 2) Turn in security agreement forms prior to testing Please take the time to review and become familiar with the contents of the manual. Note: Test administrators (TA) are responsible for picking up and returning test materials each day of testing. 30
During Testing Test Administrators resp. during testing (pages 26-28) Distribute materials Read scripts verbatim Keep accurate time Monitor testing and maintain test security Record attendance and any accommodations on the RAI (roster) Contact Mary immediately with any technology issue. 31
During Testing Be familiar with student accommodations and how to record accommodations used. Test administrators should be aware of Quick Reference Guide (one provided to each TA) Do not allow focus to be off students – if there is no proctor in the room, call for assistance rather than trying to fix problem Each lab will have a copy of this document Contact Mary if you need assistance 32
During Testing Test administrators must contact the school assessment coordinator if the following occurs: A student has not participated in a practice test A test administrator does not have a student’s Authorization Ticket A student’s name is not correct (e.g., misspelled) on the Student Authorization Ticket A student has trouble logging in the first time A test administrator is concerned that a student is unable (e.g., too ill) to finish the test session that day [contact STC before starting the test] A student exits the test to finish later and logs out of the test session 33
During Testing Securing a student’s computer if a student leaves the room and will resume testing Long breaks (e.g., lunch): student must exit the TestNav system by clicking the X or TestHear by clicking the red circle in the top corner and then clicking Yes, exit the test. MAKE SURE THEY DO NOT CLICK SUBMIT. Student will not be able to continue testing until resumed in PearsonAccess Student must complete the test session during that day Short breaks (e.g., restroom or stretch breaks): turn off the monitor power button - do not exit test 34
During Testing 35 Test CodeTest Group Code A six-digit code created by PearsonAccess and printed on Student Authorization Tickets and Session Rosters. The Login ID and the test code are required to log in to TestNav or TestHear. A unique four-digit number used to identify groups of students tested together which is created by Colleen/Sara – use test group code form on Blackboard. This is entered after the Welcome screen in TestNav and before students see the first question.
During Testing 36 Students participating in FCAT 2.0 must enter a SEAL CODE to open Session 2 Seal Code is a 4-digit number that will be provided in PearsonAccess, and all students in a test session will use the same seal code Do not confuse Group Code with Seal Code Students will need to be RESUMED after exiting Session 1 (Day 1) before they are able to get back in and enter the seal code for Session 2 (Day 2) If students are having trouble logging in on Day 2, check with school coordinator to be sure students have been resumed Test administrators will be provided the Seal Code on the day of Session 2 Students will use the same Student Authorization Ticket for both sessions
After Testing 37 Refer to page 143 Collect all required administration information Ensure that any accommodations used by students are recorded on the RAI (roster. Notify test coordinator of any test irregularities. Verify that the seating chart and security logs are completed. Return materials after testing: Manuals Authorization Tickets (All) Roster (RAI) Seating Chart Security Log Printed Seal Codes Work Folders (All) Work Sheets (All) Reference Sheets (All) Any thing else that needs to be returned
After Testing 38 Complete Test Administrator survey at
Invalidations 39
Invalidations 40 Invalidation policies and procedures are on page 17 Must invalidate if: Student has an electronic device during testing Student is caught cheating Student is given a accommodation not allowed If the validity of the test has been comprised (ex. the student had access to unauthorized visual) Student works in session 2 then goes back to session 1. Student is given unauthorized help or unfair advantage. Other situations may be cause for invalidation Please contact Mary Chavers or Brent Ougel about any invalidations
Questions 41
Contacts Mary Chavers Brent Ougel Diane Taylor 31445