Higher Physical Education Preparation of the Body
Hello and Welcome! Look at the information you have collected from your Timed Observation Schedule and your Cooper Test. (a)Describe what the information shows about your CRE in your role as a midfielder in Football. (b)What impact does this poor CRE have on your whole performance? -Write plenty of detail (not just one point) -Relate it to your role; think of what your demands are in your role and how poor CRE effects your ability to perform in this role (a)Describe what the information shows about your CRE in your role as a midfielder in Football. (b)What impact does this poor CRE have on your whole performance? -Write plenty of detail (not just one point) -Relate it to your role; think of what your demands are in your role and how poor CRE effects your ability to perform in this role
Periodisation Before you start planning your CRE development programme, you have to take into account PERIODISATION. This means the stage of the season you are currently in. By doing this, you can make the short and long term goals that you set for yourself more realistic and achievable. This will determine the type of training you do to fully maximise the impact on your performance. There are THREE seasons.... Discuss with your partner what you think they might be
Pre-Season Pre-Season Training, also known as the PREPARATION PERIOD, where you will prepare for the competitive season This stage of the season involves general fitness development In pre-season training you will concentrate mainly on fitness, primarily outwith the activity Intensity of the programme is increased towards the end of this stage of the season Examples of methods of training used in pre-season training; INTERVAL, CONTINOUS, FARTLEK...
In Season Pre-Season Training, also known as the COMPETITION PERIOD, where you will play competitive matches This stage of the season involves fitness maintenance through skill development/skill related fitness During this part of the season, training will be adapted to suit “peaks” i.e. Specific matches/tournaments Brief recovery periods will need to be considered after long matches/tournaments Training will mostly be done within the activity using a CONDITIONED approach
Post Season Pre-Season Training, also known as the TRANSITION PERIOD. This stage of the season involves a period of “active rest” where the training is tapered down to allow recovery In post-season training you will concentrate mainly on maintaining fitness, primarily outwith the activity Intensity of the programme is low and players are given a definite break from the activity Examples of methods of training used in post-season training; INTERVAL, CONTINOUS, FARTLEK...
Football Player - Example JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEBMAR APR MAY JUN JUL Preparation Period Competition Period Transition Period High Intensity (Specific) Low Intensity (General) A long competitive season. Trying to maintain activity specific physical and skill related fitness aspects for your role within the team. Active rest. Maintain general physical fitness, especially aerobic work General then activity specific training. Work increases in intensity as the Competition period approaches. Physical and Skill Related Fitness
Training Cycles Training cycles link directly with the stages of the season. This is where we set goals for our stage of the season and set a time for achieving them. In order to classify these training goals we use: MICRO-CYCLE This is your SHORT TERM goals. This could be on a WEEKLY basis MICRO-CYCLE This is your SHORT TERM goals. This could be on a WEEKLY basis MESO-CYCLE This is your MEDIUM TERM goals. This could be on a MONTHLY basis MESO-CYCLE This is your MEDIUM TERM goals. This could be on a MONTHLY basis MACRO-CYCLE This is your LONG TERM goals. This could be on a SEASON basis... MACRO-CYCLE This is your LONG TERM goals. This could be on a SEASON basis...
Homework Answer the question below in your homework jotter: (a)“Describe how you collected both INITIAL DATA and SPECIFIC data on your fitness in your specific role. Give a detailed description of what you did for each one, with examples, and explain why you used these methods.” (b)Describe what the information shows about your CRE in your role as a midfielder in Football. * To be completed for Monday 8 th October 2012*
Goodbye, So Long, Farewell For the last ten minutes of the period, discuss with your partner what the seasons might be for: -HIGH JUMPER -TENNIS PLAYER -BEACH VOLLEYBALL PLAYER