GCSE Physical Education Healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you
A healthy active lifestyle is… Definition: A lifestyle that contributes positively to physical, mental and social wellbeing and which includes regular exercise and physical activity.
REASONS FOR PARTICIPATION When hearing some of the reasons top sports stars take part in sport. Think about your sporting heroes and what keeps them participating in sport.
Rafael Nadal – I enjoy competition and seeing if I can beat the player opposite me.
Jessica Ennis – Sport has been a really good way for me to stay healthy.
Jonny Wilkinson – Being a part of a team has given me lots of friends through my career
The Benefits of Physical Activity MENTAL – to do with the mind, our psychological health. PHYSICA L – to do with the body, our physical health. SOCIAL – to do with the way we interact with others, our social health.
There will be cross over between categories… For example… If you are overweight you might take up running (physical) to lose weight. At the same time you will start to feel better (mental) because you get in to better shape.
Reason/BenefitCategory (Mental, Physical or Social) Lose weightPhysical Relieves stressMental Physical challengeMental/Physical I’m good at itMental Gives me muscle definitionPhysical Improves my healthPhysical Gives me something to doMental Improves my confidenceMental I develop an aesthetic appreciationMental I like competingMental Makes me less tenseMental Meet friendsSocial Improves my fitnessPhysical Keeps me out of troubleSocial Good way of meeting peopleSocial Helps me to collaborateSocial