Earth Forms 4.6 billion years ago Started out as a hot ball of lava As it cooled the crust formed
Oldest piece of rock ever found 4.4 billion years old Found in Australia Zircon crystals
First evidence of life 3.5 billion years ago Prokaryotes: Archaea and bacteria
First fossils of Algae and Bacteria Cyanobacteria or “blue green algae” May have formed stromatolites
Free Oxygen in the atmosphere Cyanobacteria went through a process called photosynthesis. This is where carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen 21 percent of our atmosphere is made of oxygen
First fossil of complex organism Eukaryotic cells 1.8 billion years ago
First abundant life found on fossil record 540 million years ago Cambrian Explosion Major diversification in life forms appeared
First Fish Jawless fish 520 million years ago
First Land Plants 482 million years ago Very simple plants that lacked stems and roots such as liverworts
First Land Animals Tetrapods- animals from the sea use their front legs as crutches to pull themselves around. 360 million years ago
Largest Mass Extinction 250 million years ago 90 percent of all species perished May have been due to the volcanism of the Siberian Traps
First Dinosaurs 230 million years ago They started out small and then grew in size
Pangea splits 175 million years ago The plates began to pull apart This has been a cycle over the last billion years
First Mammals 160 million years ago A shrew like creature Was life hard living with dinosaurs?
First Flowering Plants 140 million years ago Highly diversified (250,000 species) and they had great success covering more ground than earlier plants
Dinosaurs go Extinct 65 million years ago The dinosaurs died out along with 50 % of the other life forms on Earth A meteor impact in the Gulf of Mexico Traces of Iridium are found at a distinct layer around the world
Mammals and flowering plants flourish 60 million years ago Mammals begin to grow in size Flowering species diversify even greater using their mammal friends to carry seeds to new areas
Beginning of Cascade volcanic arc 37 million years ago Along the coast of Western coast of North America The North American plate and the Juan De Fuca plate slam together at a snails pace
First primate in genus Homo 2.3 million years ago
First Homo Sapien 100,000 years ago
Human inhabit North America 60,000 years ago Land bridge
End of Last Ice Age 11,700 years ago