Unit 9 Everything is made in China
What is it made of? It is made of … leather 皮革 ['leðə] Silk 丝绸 [s ɪ lk]
What is it made of? glass 玻璃 plastic 塑料 ['plæst ɪ k] It is made of … [ ɡ læs]
stone 石头 wood 木头 What is it made of? It is made of … [ston] [w ʊ d]
cotton wool What is it made of? [w ʊ l] ['k ɒ tən] It is made of …
steel What is it made of? [sti ː l] It is made of …
leathersilkglassplastic stone wood cotton woolsteel What is it made of? It is made of …
What is it made of? Where is it made? What color is it? label
shop assistant customer
What can I do for you? What color do you prefer? What size do you want? shop assistant How about this one? The fitting/dressing room is over there. …
customer I’m looking for a … What is it made of? Where is it made? Do you have a larger/smaller size? I’d like a blue one.
Listen and answer 1.What is the relationship between the man and the lady? 2. Where does the dialogue probably take place? shop assistant and customer in a shop shop assistant and customer in a shop
size ______ price ______ material ______ color ______ place of production ______ design ______ size ______ price ______ material ______ color ______ place of production ______ design ______ Listen again and tick the things they are talking about.
The lady likes clothes made of wool. 3 The lady wants to buy a sweater. 1 The lady doesn’t want to buy things made in China. 2 The lady wants to have a larger size. 45 The lady likes the color green. 【 】【 】【 】【 】【 】【 】【 】【 】【 】【 】 F F F F F Listen and tell whether the statements are true or false.
A: ______________________, Madam? C: Well, I’m looking for a ________. A: What color do you like? C: My favorite is ______. A: We have a very beautiful grey skirt here.___________. C: ___________________ A: ___________________ C: Well, I don’t like wool. Do you have ____________________ A: Yes, we do. It’s over there. C: Oh, it’s pretty. _______________ A: Yes, it’s great. ____________ C: OK. But this is size L. ______________________ A: Yes, we do. Here is a ___________and here is a______. ________________________ What can I do for you skirt grey Have a look What is it made of? It’s made of wool. a grey one made of silk? Made in China? Try it on. Do you have a smaller size? medium one small The dressing room is to your left.
What did you buy?
A: I bought a new scarf last weekend. B: Where is it made? A: It is made in Japan. B: What is it made of? A: It is made of silk. What did you buy?
评分细则 ( 共 10 分 ) : 1 、发音正确 3 分 2 、声音洪亮、吐字清晰 3 分 3 、表演到位 2 分 4 、不拿剧本 2 分
Read after the tape and pay attention to the underlined sentences. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: Can I help you, sir? Well, I’m looking for a T-shirt. We have lots of T-shirts here. What color do you prefer? Blue, please. OK, have a look at this one. Let me see. What is it made of? It’s made of silk.
Read after the tape and pay attention to the underlined sentences. A: B: A: B: A: B: Frankly speaking, I don’t like silk. Do you have cotton ones? Yes, we do. How about this one? It’s made of cotton. It’s great. It looks nice. Where is it made? It’s made in China. Great. But do you have a larger size? Sure, here you are. This is a medium one and this is large. The dressing room is over there.