The material flow and indicators toward a sound material cycle society in Japan Keiko Omori Research Center for Advanced Policy Studies Institute of Economic Research Kyoto University May 22, 2012
Final Disposal Fourth: Proper Disposal Dispose of those cannot be used by any means Treatment (Recycling, incineration, etc.) Production (Manufacturing, distribution, etc.) Consumption, Use Discard Third (2): Recycling: Energy Recovery Recover energy from those having no alternatives but incineration and unable to be materially recycled Third (1): Material Recycling Recycle those cannot be reused as raw materials Input of Natural Resources First: Reduce Reduce generation of wastes and byproducts Second: Reuse Use goods/products repeatedly Concept of a Sound Material-Cycle Society in Japan 1 1
1)Reduction of waste generation 2)Proper treatment of wastes (including recycling) 3)Regulation on installation of waste treatment facilities 4)Regulation on waste service companies 5)Establishment, etc. of waste treatment standards, etc. 1)Reduction of waste generation 2)Proper treatment of wastes (including recycling) 3)Regulation on installation of waste treatment facilities 4)Regulation on waste service companies 5)Establishment, etc. of waste treatment standards, etc. Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law Law for Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging The Basic Environment Law Basic Environment Plan Regulation suited to character of individual product Bottles, PET bottles, paper and plastic packages, etc. Air conditioners, refrigerators, freezer, TV, washing machines, and Closing Dryer Law Concerning the Promotion of Procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services by the State and Other Entities (the central government taking initiatives in procurement of recycled products) Wood, concrete, asphalt Food wasteAutomobiles Law for Recycling of Specified Kinds of Home Appliances Law on Recycling Food Wastes Law Concerning Recycling of Materials for Construction Works End-of-Life Vehicles Recycling Law End-of-Life Vehicles Recycling Law Securing of material circulation in society Reduction of natural resource consumption Reduction of environmental loads Fundamental Law for Establishment of a Sound Material-Cycle Society リデュース リサイクル → リユース リサイクル ( 1R ) ( 3R ) Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society: Announcement in March 2003 Amendment in March 2008 Established in 1970, Partially amended several times Thorough enforcement in April )Recycling of recyclable resources 2)Application of structures and materials, etc. that facilitate recycling 3)Indication for sorted recovery 4)Promotion of effective use of byproducts 1)Recycling of recyclable resources 2)Application of structures and materials, etc. that facilitate recycling 3)Indication for sorted recovery 4)Promotion of effective use of byproducts Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources Reduce Recycle →Reuse Recycle (1R) (3R) Legal System to establish a Sound Material-Cycle Society 2
Material Flow in Japan (in FY 2000) (unit: million tons) Imported products ( 48 ) Imported resources ( 752 ) Import ( 800 ) Domestic resources ( 1,125 ) Natural resources, etc. input ( 1,925 ) Inc. Water ( Note ) ( 299 ) Export ( 120 ) Net Additions to Stock ( 1,110 ) Energy consumption and emissions from industrial processes ( 500 ) Generation of waste etc. ( 595 ) Reduction ( 241 ) Final disposal ( 57 ) Food Consumption (97) Returned to Nature ( 85 ) Fertilizer (16) Total Materials Input ( 2,138 ) Amount of cyclical use ( 213 ) (Note) Including water: Input of water included in waste and the like (sludge, animal manure, human waste, waste acid, and waste alkali) and sediment and the like associated with economic activities (sludge from mining, construction and water works and tailing from mining)) 3 Source: Results of the Forth Progress Evaluation of the Second Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material –Cycle Society March 2012, Central Environmental Council of Japan
(unit: million tons) Imported resources ( 658 ) Imported products ( 45 ) Import ( 703 ) Domestic resources (604) Natural resources, etc. input ( 1,307 ) Total Materials Input ( 1,536 ) Inc. Water ( Note ) ( 273 ) Export ( 167 ) Net Additions to Stock ( 536 ) Energy consumption and emissions from industrial processes ( 443 ) Food Consumption (67) Generation of waste etc. ( 559 ) Reduction (223) Amount of cyclical use ( 229 ) Fertilizer (17) Returned to Nature ( 89 ) Final disposal ( 19 ) (Note) Including water: Input of water included in waste and the like (sludge, animal manure, human waste, waste acid, and waste alkali) and sediment and the like associated with economic activities (sludge from mining, construction and water works and tailing from mining)) Material Flow in Japan (in FY 2009) 4 Source: Results of the Forth Progress Evaluation of the Second Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material –Cycle Society March 2012, Central Environmental Council of Japan
1-1Changes in resource productivity The indicators of material flow – Inlet – 1-3.Changes in resource productivity excluding nonmetallic minerals 1-2 Changes in Natural resources input and GDP 1-4.Changes in resource productivity of fossil resources target 5
The indicators of material flow – outlet and cycle – 2-1.Changes in cyclical use rate 2-2.Changes in amount of cyclical use and natural resources input 3.Changes in final disposal amount target 6 Source: Results of the Forth Progress Evaluation of the Second Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material –Cycle Society March 2012, Central Environmental Council of Japan
7 Total material requirement concerning metallic resources in Japan Changes in TMR concerning metallic resources imported to Japan Source: Results of the Forth Progress Evaluation of the Second Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material –Cycle Society March 2012, Central Environmental Council of Japan Year Other metals Zinc Uranium Rhodium Platinum Palladium Nickel Tin Aluminum Gold Copper Iron Million tons For reference *2 *1 The metallic resources are arranged in descending order of the TMR concerning imported in 2009 *2 The data for 2003 and 2004 are indicated only for reference because the values for silicon, uranium, arsenic, cadmium and mercury were unavailable
1.Efforts are necessary to increase resource productivity by reducing the input of all our natural resources through 3R. 2.To evaluate of the quality of cyclical use is important. 3.Establishing a safety and sound material cycle is required 8 Conclusions