Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 1 of 17 Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Subject Matter Expert (SME) Roles and Responsibilities Instructor Name
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 2 of 17 Army Family Action Plan Program Name Your area of expertise How long you have been working in your subject area? Have you been involved with the AFAP process before? SME Introductions
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 3 of 17 Please answer the following question on an index card: “My role as a SME is...?” Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 4 of 17 Learning Objectives Provide support to the AFAP process Explain Subject Matter Expert (SME) roles and responsibilities Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 5 of 17 History of AFAP Army Family Action Plan Program Since 1983 AFAP has been a driving force behind hundreds of legislative, regulatory, and policy changes and program service improvements geared towards improving Army life and enhancing readiness and retention.
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 6 of 17 Purpose of the AFAP Conference To identify and prioritize Quality of Life issues to assist Army Leadership during the Army’s transformation Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 7 of 17 AFAP: Two Processes Working in Tandem AFAP Issue Submission (AFAP Conferences) HQDA AFAP Issue Resolution (AFAP GOSC) Spring (May)* GOSC Meeting Spring (May)* GOSC Meeting Army Staff works issues In Process Review (Sep)* Fall (Nov)* GOSC Meeting Fall (Nov)* GOSC Meeting New issues added from HQDA Conference Army Staff works issues In Process Review (Mar)* Local Level AFAP Conference (Oct-Mar)* Local Level AFAP Conference (Oct-Mar)* Mid-Level AFAP Conference (Mar-Jun)* Mid-Level AFAP Conference (Mar-Jun)* HQDA AFAP Conference (Nov)* HQDA AFAP Conference (Nov)* * Dates are subject to change due to Command OPTEMPO New Issues Issue Updates 5 Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 8 of Family Advocacy Program Established 1986 RC Legal Services 1988 HHG Weight Allowance Increased 1988 HHG Damage/Depreciation Increased 1989 BOSS Program Established AFAP Successes 1991 Improved COLA Rates AD 1992 RC Family Member ID Card 1994 RC Burial Rights 1996 Retiree Guaranteed COLA Increases 1998 BAH Established 2001 TRICARE for Life 2002 TSP Established 2005 AD/RC Annual Vision Screening 2006 Tax Credit for Employers of RC on Extended AD 2009 Wounded Warrior Information Packet Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 9 of 17 AFAP Workgroup Objectives Review, prioritize and revise issues Formulate recommendations to resolve issues Out brief top issues to senior leadership at end of conference Identify most critical conference issues Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 10 of 17 Delegates Facilitator Recorder Transcriber Issue Support Person Room Manager Subject Matter Experts Observer Teamwork Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 11 of 17 SME Roles and Responsibilities SME Roles SME Techniques SME Responsibilities SME Cautions Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 12 of 17 SME “Do’s & Don’ts” Do… Serve as a SME – answer in fact If you don’t know, say so; then do research and get back to delegates “Stay in your lane” Be courteous & professional Don’t… Provide an answer that is not true Become argumentative Defend policy or regulation Offer opinions Attempt to direct or steer the group Take it personally Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 13 of 17 Issues and Information Delegates Problem statement & recommendation Issue Paper Subject Matter Experts Information & alternative approaches Information Paper Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 14 of 17 Resources Issue Update Book Issue Management System Issue Paper Checklist Workgroup Management Team Conference Staff Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 15 of 17 AFAP is your opportunity to influence your well-being! MAKE THE MOST OF IT We ask you to look at it the same way -- this is YOUR opportunity to contribute to the well-being of our Soldiers, Families and civilians -- active, Guard, retired, and Reserve. What We Tell the Delegates Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 16 of 17 Learning Objectives Provide support to the AFAP process Explain Subject Matter Expert (SME) roles and responsibilities Army Family Action Plan Program
Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/ address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 17 of 17 Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Subject Matter Expert (SME) Roles and Responsibilities Instructor Name