Stations activity
“Is it really possible to wear seven hats at the same time?” Bellringer: ◦ Think of at least one example where the roles of the president might conflict…or ◦ Why would ANYONE want to be president? ◦ Be PREPARED to share your thoughts! (visit with a classmate for ideas if you are having trouble thinking of something!)
What’s the difference between “Head of State” and “Chief Executive”? Draw a picture/cartoon/symbol of the president as the head of state
Give an example of the president's role as the chief executive:
Name the 4 tools-which one is most important? ◦ Executive orders ◦ Presidential appointments ◦ Removal of officials ◦ Impoundment Reprieve=postponement Pardon=release from punishment Amnesty=group pardon/release from punishment
Where does the president set the legislative agenda? How can the president influence legislation (list at least 3 ways)
Describe how the president prepares the federal budget: ◦ Council of Economic Advisors (helps create report) ◦ Supervises the work ◦ Works with budget officials? ◦ What gets cut? ◦ What gets supported? ◦ What will the size of the budget be? ◦ What about the deficit?
Explain how being the leader of the party can conflict with the president's other roles.
How does access to CIA and NSC information give the president the "upper hand" in the direction of foreign policy? What’s the difference between a treaty and an executive agreement?
List 3 different examples when a president exercised his power as commander in chief List at least 3 presidents with past military experience: