ALPAUGH BRANCH LIBRARY Kids enjoyed the many fun activities we offered this month. Wii continues to be the most popular activity at the Branch. This month we did many cool winter crafts. Crafts included: Snowmen, Penguin Sticks, Dr. MLK Doves, and Paper Clip Ice Skates.
DINUBA BRANCH LIBRARY The New Year brought new programming to Dinuba! Our new “Toddler Time” program is a huge success, with more infants and toddlers arriving weekly. Dinuba Head Start brought two classes to the Library for story time and a tour of the library. AR labeling on all juvenile fiction was completed, much to the delight of parents and children. The “Step Up Urban Art Tour” was a big hit with the teenagers in Dinuba, as many expressed their love of painting. Several community groups utilized the conference room for monthly meetings. Movies, board games, coloring pages, crafts, story time, and reading were enjoyed by all!
EARLIMART BRANCH LIBRARY January crafts were: Snowman Penguin sticks Dr Martin Luther King Doves And Paper clip ice skates Looms were introduced again towards the end of January and the kids absolutely love it! They went through two cases of Looms in two weeks! Looking forward to Dr. Seuss festivities next month.
EXETER BRANCH LIBRARY Adult coloring pages were offered for the whole month of January. This was a successful program. We held the Frequent Reader Club program for the month of January. It was open to kindergarten to 12 grades. Each day a child checked out a book, they received a stamp. Children earned a bonus stamp for attending a library program. Once a child receives six stamps on their Frequent Reader Club Card, they earn a free book. We had some participation for the program. We also did a Recipe Show & Tell where patrons share their recipes by writing them down. We posted all the recipes in the display case. We also had good participation for our regular programming.
IVANHOE BRANCH LIBRARY Our January was a good start to the new year. Our crafts this month were paper cup snowmen, penguin sticks, Dr. Martin Luther King doves, and paper clip ice skates. We enjoyed movies and snacks. We watched “Hotel Transylvania 2”, “Shaun the Sheep” and “Big Hero 6”. The Step Up Urban Art Tour is here in the library and is an awesome exhibit. It is being enjoyed especially by the kids.
LINDSAY BRANCH LIBRARY January 2016 was a busy month! Crafts for January were Snowmen, Penguin Sticks, Dr. Martin Luther King Doves and Paper Clip Ice Skates. Lindsay Branch had two classes of preschoolers come for a tour of the library and story time. There were a total of 39 children. The Minons movie was a big success with good participation!
OROSI BRANCH LIBRARY January was a fun month. The children enjoyed the crafts and board games. We had a preschool visit of 15 children.
SPRINGVILLE & STRATHMORE BRANCH LIBRARIES January saw a major change with the retirement of much loved Branch Manager Donna Ellis. Goodbye Donna you will be missed! Week 1 Craft: Snowmen Week 2 Craft: Penguin sticks Week 3 Craft: Dr. Martin Luther King Doves Week 4 Craft: Paper Clip Ice Skates
THREE RIVERS BRANCH LIBRARY Community Program : “History of the Golden Trout Wilderness” was very well attended. Lego projects were very creative this month! Fun January Crafts: Snowmen Penguin Sticks Dr Martin Luther King Doves Paper Clip Ice Skates
TIPTON BRANCH LIBRARY This month the Branch offered many fun activities for the children. Crafts included: Snowmen, Penguin Sticks, Dr. MLK Doves, and Paper Clip Ice Skates. Kids really appreciate that we have labeled the AR books.
VISALIA BRANCH LIBRARY Adult Programs The Step-Up Urban Art Tour opened on January 13 th. The opening reception attracted media attention and even Supervisor Cox attended! Over 30 adults and children relaxed while coloring on January 19 th during the first of many Coloring Nights. Members of the Mystery Readers Book Club and others watched a live broadcast interview with author Tess Geritssen on January 20 th presented by The Library Talks. Teen Programs Teen Study Hall has resumed. They’re hitting the books (and computers) hard in the spring semester! Young adults discussed Hellboy and watched the movie at their Book Club on January 23 rd. Children’s Programs Preschool Storytime picked up steam after the holidays. The average attendance is 50 children and their parents each Wednesday!
January brought much needed rain to Woodlake. Week #1 Craft: Snowman Lego contest: Free style competition Week #2 Craft: Penguin sticks Week #3 Lego Contest : Free style Craft: Dr. Martin Luther King doves Week #4 Craft: Paper Clip Ice Skates WOODLAKE BRANCH LIBRARY