Super Science Friday Moore Public Schools
What is it? Super Science Friday is one day a month that you set aside to do some super fun “sciency” things in your classroom. You can do these just in your own classroom or (lots more fun this way) team up with your teammate teachers and have one science activity in each classroom and have the students rotate. Your early childhood classrooms (k-3) will love it because they get to change to another classroom and that is super fun to them! What if you don’t have anyone to change with? That’s ok! You can still do fun “sciency” things in your classroom at least one time a month.
How to do it… Choose your science theme related to your teaching theme at the time or based on what you have already covered in science or what you are getting ready to cover. Super Science Friday makes a great introductory activity or a great concluding activity for any science unit. You will want to start with a short video that you can find online to get students thinking and excited about their science subject. Then you will do at least one hands-on experiment. Do one art related activity to explore the science concept. Do one written activity related to the science concept.
What would it look like? ( in 4 classrooms…) Activity 1: In one classroom, students will watch a video related to the science concept. Activity 2: In another classroom, students will do an experiment or an hands-on activity related to the science concept. Activity 3: In one classroom, students will do an art activity that is related to the science concept. Activity 4: In one classroom, students will complete a science lesson or will write a paragraph or make their own book related to the science concept.
What would it look like? (in 1 classroom) This will take place over the entire day. Set up your desks in table groups…cover the table groups with white bulletin board paper. This makes the tables look like “science” tables and adds to the fun. Plus it gives you some protection during the experiment. Start your Super Science Friday with a video that is related to your subject in science. Give each student a note taking paper to take notes on the video. After watching the video together, talk about the notes that they took and take them up to use during the writing activity later. Now do the experiment that you have planned for the day. Following the experiment, have students do the art activity. Those who finish with the art activity can then make a “book” where they do the written portion of the science. They can use their notes from the video to help them with their book.
Experiments that are fun to do in the classroom… This is one of my favorite science sites. He has cool stuff. Some is free and some you have to buy but it is all awesome. web web experiments experiments
Hands-On Projects to do on Super Science Friday… art-projects.html art-projects.html
Free Science Printables for Super Science Friday… printables/science-printables-all-ages printables/science-printables-all-ages worksheets worksheets